Every child is unique in terms of life experiences, developmental readiness, and cultural heritage. For this reason, in early childhood education, not only do teachers pay attention to language development but also to encouraging autonomy, developing communication skills, promoting kindness, and sharing coexistence guidelines. when treating my students. What impact might the child's preferred learning style have on the child's position as a knowledge receiver? One of the major intellectual influences was You'll want to make sure you clearly outline how you'll address a variety of demands when writing your philosophy. Personal Beliefs and Values regarding Diversity - For most of my childhood, I have been inspired by - StuDocu For this assignment, you will reflect and analyze your upbringing and personal beliefs and values regarding diversity. She made me feel comfortable There is general agreement that young children are capable of accessing mathematical ideas and should be given the opportunity to do so in their early childhood educational settings. Why not have the children create their own posters with their own artwork, things from home, and photos families can supply? Some fun resources can help children achieve this. What do you believe about how young children learn? Young kids need someone who will be patient, funny, and above all, they need someone who will be loving towards them. learning in her classroom so easy and fun. school. patience, care, and attention for each child. anymore, his self-esteem dropped immensely, he lost friends, and had to spend You may also decide to comment on additional issues as well. All of this, and more, plays a part in how you view the behavior of the children you teach. Its amazing that Mutual Respect and Responsibility. My personal beliefs about children and learning include; having the children feel safe and welcome, because safety is the number one rule in a child care center. life. These ideas lie at the heart of NAEYCs position statement Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education. Draw on theories and practices in course materials to justify the elements you are defending in your philosophy of leadership. The belief that early childhood professionals are knowledgeable decision-makers who take the needs of individual children and their families into consideration. Children can be highly motivated, feel actively involved in their own learning and produce work of high quality when they have the time to engage in short and long term projects. We provide high-quality trainings, on-site support, equipment, and materials to community programs. as one; remain a lifelong advocator of children; exhaust all resources before deciding I believe in cultural diversity. the products of our future. (World Health Organisation, 2018, 2) This nurturing care model affords an integrated, holistic approach to education and care that aligns well with Froebel's philosophy. We build relationships with community partners and are an integral and well-respected part of the community. children feel equally special; have families, communities, and educators work Here are some examples of personal philosophies: I believe that as an early childhood educator I am responsible for providing infants, toddlers and young children with positive learning experiences. The next time a child seems defiant, ask yourself, Is that behavior culturally influenced? honest. Observing what goes on first-hand helps a parent know what to ask the child at the end of the school day.. Reflect: Refine statements of values and beliefs I believe that in early childhood settings, teachers need to teach about values learn honesty, kindness, cooperation, patience, and respect to be positive role models in society. How do you view your role as an Educator? We provide educational services where children can be most successful. goal-oriented activity as childrens work and contrasted it with play, which Looking back at the history of early childhood education, who or what approaches have the greatest impression on you, and why? What is the childs role in their development and learning? Your culture and the childrens cultures arent the only cultures at work in your classroom. My Our values may not change, but the context in which our values come into the world does vary depending on the person, place, or thing we interact with. The early years of a childs life are busy. Friedrich Froebel, the creator of Kindergarten, believed that children grow and learn as they play (Bruno, 2009). Support access to high-quality early childhood education programs and opportunities and resources for educators. Philosophy of Education My personal values and beliefs about teaching and learning include that all children are important , unique ,and must have stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially, I am working every day to create a good atmosphere where kids can meet their potential, by providing a safe and healthy environment I believe . composite of the family, administrators, and other professionals opinions and Our values can become the fuel that reveals life to us as we share our true selves with others. In a short reflection paper that is 1-2 Introducing Ask an Expert DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert cheating, hitting, and disrespecting elders or each other were bad. Influential movies and cartoons such as the Care Even though today I realize the Bredekamp, S., and T. Rosegrant. But because culture is absorbed and passed down from generation to generation rather than explicitly taught, were seldom aware of it. I seek to develop close relationships with my students, and their families and provide an environment where they feel welcomed and. What if we are not sure about our values in education? On the other hand, degree, I brought with me the strong moral and ethical values I possess as a Moreover, it empowers me as an early childhood educator seeing as I am able to influence their thinking in profound ways. some teachers was favoritism. living situation, and a familys ethnicity and culture. Learn about the collaborative initiative to advance a unified early childhood education profession. This involves, in part, helping preservice teachers develop an ability to examine and identify the personal characteristics, beliefs and attitudes that make them who they are and . We act as leaders in our field and as models of collaboration and competence. We are a valuable resource to the community. Celebrate young children and their families with hands-on activities encouraging movement and healthy lifestyles through music, food, and art. I want to make a difference in their lives and prepare them for the road ahead. Some choices we make in our practice do not align with our core beliefs about early childhood education. Donate to help NAEYC advance a strong and dynamic early childhood profession and connect educators to cutting-edge resources. chairs and a rug for the children to read and sit on during quiet or free time; Because your responses to childrens conflicts and challenging behavior are culture bound, it is all too easy to misinterpret childrens words or actions. Use present tense, in most cases. Also when approaching exceptional circumstances, a teacher needs to this childs sense of work that morals and good values are developed. Early childhood education is a program that benefits children from ages three to five. I am proud to be the teacher of the 2yesr old classroom. It develops these ideas with specific, concrete examples of what the teacher and . Explain the values that guide your teaching beliefs. Teaching young children is hard work (Bredekamp 3). It amazes me how quickly most children are able to learn by watching. Our organisational focus is on how we can improve outcomes for children across Australia. My personal philosophy coincides with her beliefs because it is through I remember specific activities As Young kids need someone who will be patient, funny, and above all, they need someone who will be loving towards them. In some cultures, children feel comfortable playing close to one another; in others, the same space may feel claustrophobic and lead children to hit or shove a playmate who seems too near. Writing Your Teaching Philosophy. I learned that lying, stealing, Develop Your Personal Philosophy - Only $3.99. reflected in the growth of each child. If they dont understand the lesson, they might have a hard time paying attention. Humans form their most substantial values in connection with others. It should enhance the childrens interests in all developmental domains. In practice, there is a balance between sharing our values and relating them to the moment. It there will be math, language, and art games for them to play, and additional creative My philosophy of Early childhood education is based on research that indicates that a childs growth is developmental. We support parents in their role as parent and treat families as partners in all aspects of the process. It is about how we see ourselves in the world, our ability to communicate and to feel that our mind and body are inseparable (Durie, 1998). When I run into her she still shows concern for me and is eagerly open she saw as unfocused and frivolous (pg. Ignite and fulfill your professional development goals! In this article, the changing landscape of early . At this age, you are building the foundation of learning and setting the precedence of what they see school as. We believe in promoting a love of learning, creativity, and self-expression, and fostering positive . My philosophy of education is inspired by Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori, and Howard Gardner. I want to help children in their early childhood education. Equal would mean giving all children the same activities, materials, and books. I believe that students in an early childhood setting should be exposed to social interaction, cooperative learning, hands-on experiences, and real-life applications. It's a statement about your beliefs which influence your actions. Join NAEYCs team and help us advance the education of young children across the country. In addition, I reassure you that I will not share the information collected outside of my course and that no identifying information will be shared. Lily approximately have all these ethical qualities to be genuine, humility, honesty, fair-minded, courage in taking decisions, caring, supportive in practices, which will help her to become authentic leader in early childhood Get Access Check Writing Quality explanatory opinionated argumentative My Key Values To Define Leadership? Differentiated instruction adapts content, products and processes to meet the diverse learning needs and preferences of students (Thousand, Villa, & Nevin, 2007). towards academia. and then reading about the Montessori Method in my present graduate class. Schools provide the context for a child's first relationship with the world outside their families, enabling the development of social relationships and interactions. Clear statements about what you believe and how you intend to implement and support your beliefs. Engage with our policy agendas, advocacy resources, and current initiatives. But the world may or may not conspire with us and our chosen values and create resistance, not an intentional act, but the byproduct of us being humans. The purpose of early childhood education is to prepare young children for their transition into elementary school. 10. For example, if Cadence doesnt pay attention to your request to keep the sand in the sandbox, you may be too far away to connect with her. Our words, thoughts, and actions are outward demonstrations of our values. Shared values have their roots in developmentally appropriate practice and NAEYC's ethical code (2005): Appreciate childhood as a unique and valuable stage of the human life cycle child with a special need, or a child that misbehaves frequently. But the world may or may not conspire with us and our chosen values and create resistance, not an intentional act, but the byproduct of us being humans. I will celebrate the benefits of diversity with each individual child and enable them to understand and acknowledge differences. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Diverse Children, Uniform Standards: Using Early Learning and Development Standards in Multicultural Classrooms, Why History? Rhode Island is committed to supporting educators in reaching the competencies through formal study, professional development, and technical assistance. Lunn Brownlee et al. I thought this method of correcting bad behavior was entirely I have married to Byron for 15years, I have one son(Kevin) who is 20 and a 7-year-old niece(Janiyah) that I am raising. I make use of our communities' resources and incorporate the childs community into the program. Children should learn the basic things of life. to an array of circumstances, such as the various formations of a family and She has over 30 years experience working with young children, educators, and families. Early Childhood Education teachers know that our children deserve to learn the important lessons from us and to acquire important habits with our help. I believe the environment plays a major role in the success of an early childhood program. I The past is gone, and the future is unknown, but the joy and fullness of life rest now with the children instead of our values becoming a hindrance to the richness of life. To conclude, a reflection of personal beliefs and values will occur with reference to the contemporary issues of childhood discussed in this essay, and a brief summary of the essay will be provided. Accessible services and structure; treat each child fairly to ensure that all children feel equally What are your thoughts on how youngsters learn best? What do you hope young children will become? And they begin to develop their self-concept (at least in part) from how others see them. No, we recognize that our work with children is in the moment. Outline your plan for involving parents and keeping lines of communication open with family members. A child saying, Youve got dirty hands, you Equality of opportunity is a core American value that helps strengthen families by giving people a fair shot to provide for themselves and . I strive to provide an environment where children and families from different cultural backgrounds feel welcomed and accepted. again keep an open mind, take an objective stance, and be flexible in his or Early Childhood CARES embraces the following values when working with families. A high quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development will ensure a positive continuation of the childs education process, Early childhood is a time of curiosity, a time for play, and a time of rapid development. Your understanding of early childhood education. We all hold our own subjective world views and are influenced and shaped by our experiences, beliefs, values, education, family, friends, peers and others. When writing your personal philosophy remember: Once you've finished, make sure your personal philosophy statement is accessible to Educators and families within the service. Follow these steps to create a personal code of ethics: 1. I seek ways to differentiate instruction and provide different teaching styles to reach students of all abilities and intelligence. and unique learning strategies and games. For more examples of how culture affects learning, check out Diverse Children, Uniform Standards: Using Early Learning and Development Standards in Multicultural Classrooms in the November 2019 issue of Young Children. Experience 1. It is my job to see that every student is growing both academically and socially. education as evolved overtime is a key factor that will help teachers better understand The combination of both personal and professional values contributes to the development of philosophy statements established in the early childhood setting. If we share our values through our classroom actions, those values become seeds of inspiration that help grow the next generation of people and our community. Say Hello and discuss, network, and connect with our interest forums and online communities. We work together to help make Lane County a better place for children and families to live, work, and grow. Learn about and purchase the best books and resources to support young children's learning and development. So, by the time you're an adult, you can hold very definite views on just about everything with a sense of "no one is going to change my mind". Helping children to see themselves in your pedagogy, curriculum, environment, and materials enables them (and their families) to feel welcomed and valued. 1500 West 12th Avenue Our education and care service philosophies are a living document that reflect the knowledge, beliefs, and values of our educators. Find a sponsorship opportunity thats right for you and help support early childhood educators, parents, and other professionals. An exemplary citizen is made, not born. Early Childhood CARES embraces the following values when working with families. It is my role as an educator to take responsibility for every childs educational development. Children who fall under the category of early. Their first 3 years of life is when the essential brain and neural development occurs. important to reflect upon the period of time when one was a student. Many people, including educators, have long believed it is better to act colorblind and/or cultureblindthat is, to not acknowledge color or culture. Section 1: Introduction. We are open to new ideas and information and encourage continuous learning, growth, and improvement. A teaching philosophy sums up one's core values and how one will teach. Every kid needs a good education and I want to be the one giving them that good education. How does this relate to your basic beliefs about young children and learning? We do not compromise our values by being part of the moment. Each and every child is unique in terms of life experiences, developmental readiness and cultural heritage. Or they may be paying attention in a different way. I strive to model respect, patience, and care for children and adults I come in contact with. Evangelism - As true believers in the word of God, it is our mission to share the good news with our children and our community. and 6 other students back a grade on account of being too immature. We are responsible and resourceful in how we use our fiscal, technical, material, and human resources. It may help to consider a school administrator (e.g., school principal) as your audience. also keep an open mind when dealing with exceptional circumstances, such as a favoritism, it didnt make me, nor many of my classmates, feel special or to ask questions or speak up in class, and I specifically remember her creative Early Childhood Education illustrates the teaching and care of children in other environments outside of the home. I believe in their intelligence. These WKCs define what early childhood educators need to know, understand, and be able to do to promote young children's healthy development and learning. classroom for a second grade class would be setup and decorated as follows: two My philosophy of Early childhood education is based on research that indicates that a childs growth is developmental. Value early childhood professionals (including monetarily) on a basis comparable to other educators for their contributions Bridge career opportunities with a common early childhood certification system. In contrast, many other cultures value interdependence, fitting in, helping others and being helped, being modest, and sharing property. According to Tomkins (1987) personal ideologies an individual maintains toward belief-based and value-based components of human living may be understood according to the two orthogonal dimensions of normative and humanism. What role do our values play in our work as early childhood educators? People see and hear us, so our choices of sharing our values reflect what we want to see in the world. During early childhood education children develop many different characteristics. Disparities in child care and early childhood education. students were bad. I will observe young children ranging from three to five years old. They help teach kids the difference between right and wrong. Individualized services and supports We provide individualized services and supports to children and their families. environment for each child. Think of this teaching philosophy as part of a job application where your readers are seeing many of these statements. We acknowledge that parents are their childs most influential teachers and life-long advocates for their child. Yes, our values will change as we experience work and life. 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