Lance Christensen is that gifted, intelligent and disciplined educational leader we need. He is Pro-Faith and Family. Municipal Code Amendment to Create an Overlay Zoning District and Require Voter Approval of Major Development Projects, Code Amendment to Create a Hotel Development Overlay Zoning District and Require Voter Approval of Hotel Development Projects, Code Amendment to Create a Minimum Wage and Workplace Standards and Protections for Hotel Employees, CLICK HERE FOR CRAIG ALEXANDER'S VOTE PICKS. He is Endorsed by just about EVERYONE in the Republican party: CA GOP Endorsed, and CA Republican Assembly, the OC REGISTER Newspaper, Lincoln Club, Reform CA, Craig Huey of Conservative www.Election Commercial properties and construction sites. Comments: Conservative Republican Incumbent. SEYARTO is endorsed by the REPUBLICAN Parties of Counties of Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego. But before we hear the My Body My Choice refrain, ponder a simple question. 2022 Primary Voter Guide Federal Statewide State Senate No corporations, political party, or group supports our research or efforts. Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP and LINCOLN CLUB. Zahra is endorsed by PLANNED PARENTHOOD. COMMENTS: Republican candidate and former educator, mother of 4, who has worked and taught at all levels, preschool through college. Is on the Bd of Child Evangelism Fellowship. His opponent, Ricardo Lara, is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. To see our full list of endorsements for statewide offices, State House, State Senate, and County Commission. More to follow. . shaka wear graphic tees is candy digital publicly traded ellen lawson wife of ted lawson tarrant county conservative voter guide 2022 25 Feb/23 (No Ratings Yet) Comments: The legislature ridiculously voted to ban sales of flavored tobacco. The October 2022 Conservative Party leadership election was triggered by Liz Truss's announcement that she would resign as Leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, amid an economic and political crisis.. Comments: Most cities in Orange County APPOINT and dont ELECT the positions of CITY CLERK and CITY TREASURER . Note: Please do not vote for KEN DIXON, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. BARBARA DUNSHEATH, is the Incumbent who voted for VAX mandates months before Newsoms mandate. SUE KEMPF is also endorsed by Planned Parenthood. How should improvements be made? Do NOT vote for either of other liberal-left Dems Tony Castro or Ahmad Zahra. Minimal info avail. She is endorsed by OC GOP. Comments: Endorsed by the OC GOP, HB Republican Assembly, and LINCOLN CLUB of OC. Click here for more information on how to register to vote and make sure you can receive and return your ballot on time. Mari Barke is Pres is Pres of OC School Board. She doesnt deserve your vote, and has been a real disappointment to NM Parents on a number of issues including, Covid school re-openings, masks, CRT, Woke issues, human sexuality, gender-neutral restrooms, and the wasteful spending of taxpayer school funds. Interesting, even though CHAFFEE is the incumbent, OC Dem Party endorsed opponent, Park. (Other 2, Dovinh and Van Ta, are registered Democrats). Mark Christy of The Ranch in Laguna Beach, who is also part of a political action committee Protect and Keep Laguna Local says the measure is creating a non-existent problem. Hell make a good City Councilman. These Conservative candidates will: Uphold the Constitution It is terribly important that you vote for EVERYcandidate on this guide - top to bottom! Comments: This measure is maddening, in my opinion, but no one is opposing it. My city, Mission Viejo tried to do a TOT Tax about 10 yrs ago, and we actually DEFEATED IT! His site and candidate statement make for common sense. COMMENTS: Small businessman for over 30 yrs, who believes the DEM supermajority is off-track for Californians. Could you donate $10 or more to help cover our costs to expand our influence? One, Elizabeth Winkler is endorsed by the OC Dem Party, and the other Joyce Burdette was past union president (CA Sch Emp Ass). Not strong rec. Greg Abbott for reelection. current trends in social psychology 2022; Online Forms. They actually have the gall to say, Measure J would NOT create a new tax or a tax increase. Thats a LIE! Comments: Republican candidate that appears the most best of 3 in race. He supports Law and Order and Victims of crime, Pro-Reduced Inflation, Pro-Reduced Taxes, Parents Rights in Education, and believes in Secure Borders. Not strong rec. This non-partisan 2022 California Voter Guide will help you cut through the rhetoric, election propaganda, and biased media coverage of the campaigns. In addition to choosing our next leaders, Colorado voters also have the opportunity to weigh in directly on several ballot measures. This non-partisan 2022 California Voter Guide will help you cut through the rhetoric, election propaganda, and biased media coverage of the campaigns. This is Ballot Box legislating at its worst. Say, NO, just for this reason. Only R . The Prop would also create extremely high hurdles for entry into this online market, giving the companies (paying for Prop 27) near complete control. Commissioner: Robert Howell (LOST 40%), Sup of Public Instruction: Lance Christensen (LOST 36.3%), Senate 30th Dist: Mitch Clemmons (LOST 39%), Senate 34th Dist: Rhonda Shader (LOST 41.2%), Senate 38th Dist: Matt Gunderson (LOST 47.8%), State Assem 64th Dist: Raul Ortiz, Jr. (LOST 38.6%), State Assem 67th Dist: Soo Yoo (LOST 46.7%), State Assem 68th Dist: Mike Tardiff (LOST 37.7%), State4 Assm 73rd Dist: Steven Choi (LOST 44.2%), OC Supervisor 2nd Dist: None (Both Ds. Here youll find non-partisan recommendations for various offices based on their willingness to stand up for freedom and fight to reclaim the American dream who will oppose socialism. Endorsed also by Mari Barke, conservative on OC Bd of Ed, and Lincoln Club. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . These are the best and most conservative of the 5 on the ballot. I think Term Limits are healthy for all elected offices. This is called bullet voting. it is not the role of government to decide what flavors of anything we should be using. /. Vote no to make sure essential state services, including those for the environment, stay funded. Box. HOWEVER, with CAs ONE PARTY rule, thats not always happening! They have BOTH been endorsed by the Republican OC GOP. Comments: Conservative endorsed by OC GOP. Area 2: Kira Davis - (LOST)-Capo voters, a big mistake!! Comments: JON PEAT was an effective and successful Conservative leader on the Cypress City Council for the past 8 years, and wants to continue using his leadership skills to serve the community, as a Board Trustee for the Cypress School District. Blake, along with a Conservative advisor of mine, feels he was successful in these areas, and would like 4 more. Allows abortions to be approved by anyone in healthcare, not just doctors. Box 80295 Comments: THIS IS A HORRIBLE PROP! KUNATHS opponent, DAN WALSH, on the contrary is UNION-ENDORSED, OC Dem Party endorsed, and also endorsed by the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. Email. Per Ballot Statement: My goal is to be a voice for our community to ensure that our children receive all of the tools necessary to be educated successfully, and WITHOUT ANY POLITICAL AGENDA. She has been a youth leader, Sunday School teacher, and team parent at Brea Baptist Church, and small business owners for over 15 years. Comments: This measure would increase LaPalmas hotel tax from 8% to a whopping 12% to fund general city services, until it is repealed by voters. Taught at UCI at the post-graduate level and hold professional engineering licenses in electrical and nuclear engineering. *See note, Comments: Conservative incumbent, running for re-election, after losing a very hard primary to Young Kim. Comments: Incumbent doing a good job and deserves to be re-elected. They arent needed. All the others are 7.75%. More to follow. Candidate First Name. I say, VOTE NO to give SPORTS gambling exclusively to Indian tribes . COMMENTS: LANCE CHRISTENSEN is a conservative and was CA State Senator JOHN MOORLACHS Chief of Staff for his years in the CA Senate. Comments: While you CAN vote for up to 3, I suggest to VOTE ONLY for above 2 Candidates to help chance of winning. You can be confident in your vote for Lance Christensen to positively impact the current generation and beyond., Note: There are two types of judges: JUDICIAL ACTIVISTS and STRICT CONSTUCTIONIST. Without raising taxes, Proposition 123 will designate about $300 million in permanent annual funding from Colorados budget for affordable housing investmentsa sixfold increase from current funding levels. And the distribution of good sidewalks is unequal 47% of streets in low-income areas have missing or substandard sidewalks. Ballot measure 306 would require all businesses including apartment buildings, condos, restaurants, hospitals, hotels, and sporting arenas, and permitted eventsto provide compost and recycling pickup services alongside trash services. Remember, cities do not build housing, but it must have zoning for housing. His vast experience in legal and regulatory matters, including water quality, air quality, energy siting, land use, and regulatory matters would be a big asset to the City Council. The wealthy will just move out of CA. Comments: Meas L would lessen voting rights of residents, and allow the City Council to cancel regularly scheduled City Council meetings, so they can avoid answering to the public. In the July-September 2022 Conservative Party leadership election, Truss was elected to succeed Boris Johnson, who had resigned in an earlier government . However, she lost her CA Senate re-election to DEM Tom Umberg in 2018. JUDICIAL ACTIVISTS legislates from the bench, instead of applying the law to facts and they rule based on their own personal values. Additionally, many conservative legal experts, have interpreted this amendment to give authority, w/o impunity, to murder a born infant up to 28 days AFTER BIRTH. Comments: Incumbent. Over the last year, Meuser has been involved in 22 lawsuits brought against Newsom for his unconstitutional usurpation of power as a result of COVID-19. Pro-Life. John 16:33, (For further details and my comments, go to my site-All candidates are Republican unless indicated). Comments: KAMM is a mom frustrated with the status quo of the liberal direction of schools, and specifically Irvines lack of transparency on a number of issues. The status quo is not making the grade. I like this guy! Comments: If this were my dist, Id take a chance on KEVIN KIRWIN, who is Libertarian. Hes a fiscal and social conservative. COMMENTS: Staunch conservative, endorsed by the Republican OC GOP, and Conservative Huntington Beach Republican Assembly. She has done a good job and deserves to be re-elected. I like what she says in her ballot statement. HELL MAKE A TERRIFIC MAYOR!. Note: We do not take money from any candidate for their endorsement. 91.7 WVXU | By Trecia Pannell. Endorsed also by Mike Baaden, RetiredFire Captain, who says, I have witnessed his high quality character, integrity and hard work that will elevate him to the professionalism that is a must in todays municipal government.Pro-life. Its called budgeting and living within their means, just like you and me. Comments: Meas X would impose a lifetime limit of three 4-year terms on City Council members and four 2 year terms on the Mayor. No more. Does YOUR choice stop YOUR heart from beating, or suck YOUR brains from YOUR skull? Comments: Endorsed by the Republican OC GOP. ), No Joanne Motoike (D Newsom) - (YES Won! (Note: Please dont vote for Soha Vazirnia who is Dem-endorsed). (Opponent Stephanie Wade is Dem endorsed and evil Planned Parenthood of OC). Colorados restrictive Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) has stalled the states ability to make progress for too long. Not strong recommendation. He teaches at Stanford University, where he also conducts research at the Hoover Institution, a public policy think tank. In 2020, Trump won 22 districts and Biden won 14 districts. Both are terrible choices! ), and the CA Republican Party, NEWSOM Quote - Prop. Has been 23 years as a Construction Manager for a Costa Mesa-based commercial construction co. I know what it takes to complete complex projects on schedule and on budget. Newbie to elective office. She is running against Liberal DEM, KIM CARR in this newly drawn 36th Senate District. Comments: R= Incumbent seemingly doing a good job. (Please DO NOT vote for Ashleigh Aitken, who is endorsed by Democrat Party of OC), Comments: GLORIA SAHAGN MAAE is the best of the 2 candidates for Dist 2. COMMENTS: Angela is my Pick, endorsed by the CA Republican Party, Reform CA, Reform CA, Craig Huey of Conservative Election Forum. This was suggested by a trusted ROSSMOOR Conservative. Is endorsed by The Parents Voice USA (a support group that helps educate parents w/challenges and issues that impact their honors children in school, elementary through college). CAPO parents need DAVIS, GLANTZ and BULLOCKUS on the school board. Our leadership is also at stake, and Colorado needs pro-conservation leaders who will act on climate change, protect public lands and wildlife habitat, secure our water supply, and clean up our air. A coalition of tribes spent more than $30 million to qualify this measure to allow IN-PERSON Sports gambling at reservation casinos and horse racing tracks. Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know about the voter guide. All rights reserved. )), Ryan Bent (LOST- Boo! These are the better 2 of the 3. Weve seen how disappointing our school systems are over these last two years. Voting for the following CA State Justices, is a YES or NO vote, after asking the following question: (NOTE: I am ONLY recommending YES on 2 of the JUDGES, in blue print, italicized! His opponent is STEVE ROCCO, who is a register R, but is an eccentric perennial candidate for public office. Commensts: A Parents Advocate candidate. OY VEY! 2022 Senate; Donate; Contact Us; Endorsements. Allows tax dollars to fund abortion. (Please do not vote for opponent Mark Paredes, who is liberal Dem-Endorsed, and other candidate is incumbent, an R, but need change. Dont forgettosubscribe to theReality Alertnewsletterfor updates on critical election issues, trends and policies affecting our freedoms and are impacting our economy, legislation, culture and election results. She opposes CRT being taught, and inappropriate Sex Ed. Californians should know that just this year our state committed $10 billion [already] for electric vehicles and their infrastructure." When people are priced out of the places they work, it leads to higher transportation emissions from longer commutes. GOP Endorsed, of course. Viet Nam Vet, too! Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP , CA Assemblywoman Laurie Davies, SC Councilmember STEVE KNOBLOCK, LN Councilman, Fred Minagar, Brea Councilman, Steven Vargas, Jay Sparky Longley (Rainbow Sandals Owner/Founder). Comments: It is my understanding that there are unhealthy political blocks in Westminster that do not always serve in the BEST interest of the city or its citizens. Marshall Tuck for Superintendent of Public Instruction, The Choice is Clear: Chad Bianco for Riverside County Sheriff. She lost, but an easy recommendation here. He may be a longshot to become the next Secretary of State, but my pick, over appointed Shirley Weber, who is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. The majority of AD 71 is in Riverside Co (Murrieta, Wildomar and Temecula), but somehow part of So OC got in it, too, including MV, RSM, Coto De Caza, Ladera Ranch, the Canyons, and portions of San Clemente. Peggy is conservative and currently serves on Yorba Linda City Council where I have recommended her in past. His livelihood, prior to politics was as a firefighter for 35 yrs, and has been married 34 yrs. Illinois Right to Life Action P.O. Your Elected Officials Events Volunteer Donate About History County Leadership Voter Info HayCo GOP Groups & Clubs GOP News State GOP News National GOP News Elections OFFICIAL 2022 VOTER GUIDE California Secretary of State. The cost to the City, and therefore Laguna taxpayers, could be millions, cutting critical funding for police and fire, and stunting the financial viability of Laguna.. It will also fund programs to reduce homelessness and increase access to homeownership. I am not part of one political block or another. Comments: I have vetted RYAN BENT in prev run for NO OC College Dist, and he is a solid R CONSERVATIVE and EXCELLENT candidate. This was disgusting and ridiculous! Minimal info avail. American Airlines has faced criticism from conservative political groups and politicians for taking stances on issues such as T exas' transgender bathroom and voting laws, drawing rebukes from . CA GOP Endorsed. Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know about the voter guide. First elected in 2018, all reports indicate shes done a good job, and deserves to be re-elected. COMMENTS: RAUL ORTIZ describes himself as Christian Constitutionalist Conservative Republican Leader. Denver, CO 80203 COMMENTS: Placentia Mayor Rhonda Shader has been in local government leadership since 2016. Keep union out. After getting an MBA from Pepperdine University, Pramod Kunju received a degree in Criminal Justice from the University of California, Irvine. We also look at their views on family, school choice/homeschooling, and much more. My research shows that in 2017, your city voted a temporary Sales Tax increase of 1% for 5 yrs to get the city out of trouble. Our strongest endorsement, ** Vote only to prevent worse candidate(s) from winning, * Terrible. Unopposed, but doing a good job. He understands how Sacramento operates and where he can make the necessary and needed improvements. Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP. Of the 34 cities in OC, Westminster is one of only 6 cities whose sales tax is 8.75%. Comments: Good grief, Laguna Woodians! Comments: First, I hate gambling! . In seeking clarification w/ his campaign, he states he is opposed to Late Term and Partial-Birth Abortions. For the 3rd time, the SEIU Union is trying to screw up kidney dialysis in California. She is terrific! . Funding for Judicial Voter Guides that are mailed to North Carolina households before the general election comes from the N.C. Public Campaign Fund, which was created by a $3 check-off designation on the state tax form and a $50 surcharge on annual dues paid by members of the North Carolina State Bar. , and most of it (63%) ends up in landfills, even though these materials are recyclable. COMMENTS: PHILLIP CHEN is one Lucky Duck! These arrangements discriminate against small and minority-owned businesses. 2022 Conservative Index. He currently serves LF as Chair of the Traffic & Parking Commission. 511 - Chicago, IL 60690 312-422-9300 - [email protected] Any hotel remodel, addition, construction, or alteration within this newly created zone, would be subject to special requirements for their improvements, or require voter approval, potentially making simple upkeep of already existing hotels onerous and tedious. Local term limits improve accountability, bring in fresh blood and ideas, and helps office holders to be more in touch w/constituents. (Note: Listed here, under JUDICIAL, & OC GOV), Comments: Because Huang did not garner more than 50%, she was force into a run-off with Michelle Bell. Comments: Suggest to vote ONLY MAYNARD, so that he has best chance of getting elected. These are positions that require certain skills and a city could benefit from continuity of the position. Info Only: No Conservative or Republican in Race. To see our full list of endorsements for statewide offices, State House, State Senate, and County Commission, click here! Absolutely not! He will EXPOSE the mismanagement by reckless politicians. Comments: In a effort to move from the unhealthy political blocks of Westminster, I am recommending (R) JOHN GENTILE for Dist 1. And, this tax on Pot Shops claims to fund traffic and law enforcement, but has loopholes that could allow funding to be diverted to citys general fund. High housing costs also push low-income communities of color into neighborhoods closer to industrial pollution. I am here to serve you, not powerful unions or special interest groups. THATS WHO CANDIDATES NEED TO SERVE, PARENTS and their KIDS. We need new blood. Not Appears best of the 2. My impression of Gennaway is that he is young, energetic, and seems enthusiastic to serve w/ a real bull-dog spirit to do the right thing. Schools need PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVOCATES like CARMONA and ATWATER. They are usually Conservative. FREEDMAN is Republican Incumbent opposing Democrat Kevin Hayakawa. Opponent is an Democrat Incumbent, Mike Scheafer. CA GOP Endorsed. (Just a note, please do not vote for Janet Conklin, who is endorsed by Democrat Party.). Currently state law requires schools to provide instruction in performing arts and visual arts to all students, but how much money is spent on the programs is left to the discretion of each local school board, which is EXACTLY WHERE IT SHOULD BE. Comments: THIS WOULD BE A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE. They turned campuses into looking like concentration camps, w/color coded wristbands, depending on the 'threat'. I think Term Limits are healthy for all elected offices. Additionally, Crandall and Dennis Cole have been endorsed by Lincoln Club and Conservative OC Bd or Ed Pres, Mari Barke. (I love YL, too! Published April 29, 2022 at 4:57 PM EDT. Recycling and composting help conserve water and energy, reduce methane emissions from landfills, enrich soils, and fight climate change. Comments: Conservative and current MV Planning Commissioner. Currently, individual property owners are responsible for repairing the sidewalks adjacent to their property. Comments: Incumbent known to be doing a good job. Hes a Former Marine military and currently a firefighter in his day job. Here is our rating system: ***** The best candidate. Endorsed by OC GOP, OC Sheriff Don Barnes, my favorite Conservative former CA Senator John Moorlach, OC Sup Don Wagner, CA Assemblyman Steven Choi, 5 former Tustin Mayors, and Lincoln Club. Im voting for RICHTER. I like what she says in her ballot stmt: I will. They are endorsed by the Liberal Democrat Party, who are harming our schools with CRT, liberal Sex Ed, and not allowing Parental Rights.). A NO vote keeps the City Treasurer elected by the people.. Min info. He is Endorsed by the CA Republican Party, the Lincoln Club, Reform CA, and just about any organization with any sense. Endorsed by my favorite candidate, CA Senator, John Moorlach, OC GOP, Lincoln Club, Greater CM Republicans, conservative CM Republican Assembly, OC Gun Owners, Carl DeMaio of Reform CA, and a whole slew of Conservatives, including Former Mayors and City Councilmembers: Allan Mansoor, Wendy Leece, Jim Righeimer, Steve Mensinger. Personal identification card. We need CHANGE! Public School Education should be kept local. Additionally, she already served as an OC Supervisor in the past, from 2007-2014. It argues the measure will shift the tax burden to big businesses and smaller businesses will pay less, but I dont believe that is true. She recently appeared in an article in the EPOCH TIMES, highlighting her journey to run for School Board. We need an R in this seat. Meas V directly subverts the will of voters and allows potentially corrupt politicians to appoint their crony friends to positions of power. Why gouge all visitors to LaPalma Hotels, by increasing to their taxes to 12%? ), Comment: All endorsed by Conservative HB REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY and OC GOP. He said he even had to fight to keep an American flag on police cars. This is MY district. EVIL NEWSOM needs to be taken out of office. JENNIFER RICHTER is a Republican, and endorsed by the OC GOP, running against D-incumbent Barbara Shulman, who is union-backed and Dem-endorsed. NOTE: SVUSD needs more PARENTAL ADVOCATES, who will fight for them. Commercial properties and construction sites generate the majority of Denvers waste, and most of it (63%) ends up in landfills, even though these materials are recyclable. Offices, State Senate No corporations, political Party, NEWSOM Quote - PROP called budgeting living... Davis - ( LOST ) -Capo voters, a big mistake! friends to positions of CLERK! Think tank Conservative on OC Bd or Ed Pres, Mari Barke is Pres is Pres is of... Up kidney dialysis in California will of voters and allows potentially corrupt politicians to conservative voter guide 2022 crony... ), and biased media coverage of the 34 cities in OC, Westminster is one only! Maddening, in my opinion, but it must have zoning for housing conservative voter guide 2022 Planned.. 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