camillus pocket knife military issue

There are also US Army-issued knives, a late variant, and one other manufacturer in addition to Kingston, all adding up to at least seven unique versions that I have seen, so hardcore collectors have their work cut out for them. Camillus Knives & Camillus Pocket Knives - Knife Depot Beautiful. 8 1/2" OAL, it's To me, this looks like Book #1 but in loose leaf form. And after the war, they apparently were interested in fulfilling the new post-war military scout knife specification, MIL-K-818, and submitted what must have been the first production prototypes ofthe Model 1760 in 1949. When closed, the pocket knife measures approximately 3 3/4 inches in length, and also includes the iconic clevis fastener, which allows wielders to attach the pocket knife to a lanyard. DAMAGE: NORMAL WEAR, Ontario fighting knife with original sheath. The NSN for the U.S. Military pocket knife is 5110-00-162-2205, which officially identifies the item as a pocket knife. The serial number is on both the scabbard and the bayonet. Sold Date Source eBay This auction is for: (1) Military Pocket Knife Made by Camillus Stamped 1995 This knife is genuine military issue and may even still have the protective coating still on it. Like every other knife I've dated, the Camillus knives are challenging in their way. Back in 2002 Michael Wiedemann published this chart on the web as a service to collectors of this knife. The pocket knife includes several handy field tools, including: one edged cutting blade, one can opener, one screw driver, one bottle cap opener and one leather punch. bayonetman, 2. . As mentioned above, the Camillus is slightly heavier and they are within 2 mm of each other in length. RARE, 1983 Camillus US Military Pocket Knife Utility 4 Blade Utility Tool, VTG Camillus US Military Model 1993 Folding Pocket Knife MADE IN USA, Silver, CAMILLUS USA VINTAGE 1979 US MILITARY ISSUE MULTI-TOOL VERY NICE SURVIVAL KNIFE, VINTAGE CAMILLUS 1982 US MILITARY MULTI FOLDING POCKET KNIFE, Lot o 3, Military Issue USMC, US Navy, US Army Camillus Pocket Knives, 4 Blade, VINTAGE 1989 CAMILLUS US MILITARY MULTI BLADE POCKET KNIFE NOS With Original Box, 50 Vintage Camillus Military Folding Knife Complete Collection 1957 to 2006, Vintage 1978 Camillus US Pocket Knife Military, Vtg 1977 Camillus U.S. Military Issued Pocket Knife Utility 4 Blade Tool Folding, Mint Vintage Camillus US Military Model 1993 Folding Pocket Knife MADE IN USA, 1971 Vtg Vietnam Era Military Issue Camillus US Folding Pocket Knife 4 Tools, Vintage Camillus US Military Model 1961 Folding Pocket Knife MADE IN USA DAMAGED, Vintage Camillus US Military 1991 Folding Pocket Knife MADE IN USA, Vintage Camillus US Military Model 1995 Folding Pocket Knife MADE IN USA, Vintage 4 Blade Camillus 1980 US Military Pocket Knife USA, Vintage Camillus US Military Model 1994 Folding Pocket Knife MADE IN USA DAMAGED, Vintage 1991 Camillus US military pocket knife, VINTAGE DESERT STORM CAMILLUS US USN USMC NAVY MARINES SCOUT POCKET KNIFE KNIVES, Camillus Remington Pocket Knife Shotgun Model 870 1990 Collectible USA Vintage, 1992 Camillus U.S. Military Camping/Survival 4 Blade Pocket Knife - Pre Owned. $16.00, $20.00 All steel construction. All rights reserved. The shipping weight of this item is 5 ozs. The Camilluss clevis is so heavy duty that it looks like you could actually employ it as rigging when using your trusty Land Rover to pull your friends stricken Jeep out of the mud. Family resemblance. Beautiful. Captcha failed to load. Camillus never sold a two blade military U S knife. Everything perfectly weighted, everything under control. Good condition. The blade shows some minor useage and wear, but is not A very nice 02/80 Ontario pilot survival knife with a leather sheath that is un-used with the sharpening stone. Please. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. VINTAGE 1986 CAMILLUS US Military Issue Folding Pocket Knife Multi-tool, Sale Price $27.00 One of two Czech Vz58 Bayonets (you pick) Used Good condition. Our reputation for customer care. Look at pages 62 and 63 this is what I referenced though it still may not be correct as the Utica knife shown it has "USA" on shield, I mainly used it as a reference to the three bladed as it is almost identical to the actual procured AAF type from camillus.I am still in the hunt for the three bladed knives as these are the correct ones for the B-1,B-2 and B-4 kits. Please review the photos carefully - this is the exact item you will be receiving. When I first got interested in these knives I wondered about the thumb stud on the screwdriver. The knife that resulted is usually referred to simply as the Kingston, but the Marine Corps referred to it as the Knife, Pocket, Utility. Setting aside the Swiss-ness that typically appeals to the Swiss army knife collector, this is an American military-issued scout pattern knife that has a place in any SAK collection. Also a lot more discreet. Note the reverse orientation of the opener layer and the different Can Opener designations. Charlie, I have never seen that AAF marked knife before very cool! M-565 detailed a different type pocket knife but camillus sold the navy on the current design of the US army engineer pattern which the only change is what I mentioned above.I have a copy of the spec. On your 3-blade AAF knife, I have seen the 3-blade equal end military knives before but not with the shield in the style yours has. Today we will be discussing the closest thing the US has ever produced to a military-issued SAK, the WWII-era Kingston USMC knife and its daughter knife the Camillus Model 1760. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, 1985 Camillus Military Issue Pocket Knife This is a 1985 Camillus Military Issue Knife that features a 2 3/8" spear blade, can opener, punch and screwdriver/cap lifter made of stainless steel. I welcome your comments and factual corrections for this article, and would love to hear about your favorite scout pattern knives. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Camillus 1984 US Army Military Issue Stainless Steel Folding Pocket Knife USA at the best online prices at eBay! Charlie, the AAF procured pocket knives were 3 bladed without bail also the engineer knife pictured by yankee john was procured by the USN under specification M-565 the only difference is the shield is left blank.Early examples were bone handled later changed to black plactic in 1944 for the M-565 pocket knife due to bone material shortages, a reluctant change for the navy as they require materials that are not flammable.The original spec. In very good condition. No sheaths. Original Price $45.00 Genuine Camillus. 8 (May 25): The National Military And Shooti, Arms And The Man Vol. I have a feeling the results of such a comparison would be quite different, so stay tuned for a future Rover Haven article on this vital subject. This is an EXTREMELY nice vintage Woodsman Pal from WW2. The trench knife is a fighting knife needed for its time, but it saw limited use past that. Posted August 4, 2011. And pride. Camillus Pocket Knife- Military Issue? 1985 stamped on blade of knife. US MILITARIA FORUM - COLLECTORS PRESERVING HISTORY. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, Camillus Pocket Knife, US Military Issue, Stainless Steel - 1989 Condition/Remarks: Good condition. The handle and blade are Up for sale is a VERY clean WW2 Cattaraugus 225Q. Uniformly dyed a medium brown, moisturized and sealed to remain flexible and help repel moisture. It shows some usage.   United States   |   English (US)   |   $ (USD), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy. Great! Other diagnostics that can vary include the markings (or lack thereof) on the clevis and can opener implement, and US Marine Corps stamping on the top scale. I have seen very little hard information on Kingston other than it was a name used by Ulster and Imperial as a "brand" name for their combined operation. One final note in the interest of fairness. This knife has a total of 4 blades - see picture #5, If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please. The USAAF did indeed buy 3 bladed knives. Don't know if it has been updated but an invaluable reference as it stands. Your combined shipping rate will depend on the total weight of the items being shipped - as always, we will charge the lowest possible rate. Blade in plastic still has the original dried up oil residue TANG STAMPS: HOFFRITZ SOLINGEN GERMANY, BEARTOOTH . mine has same configeration as that minus the USA,instead it has "kabar "would that be a ww2 type or post ww2?. Camillus was a major supplier of pocket knives and straight knives to the allied war effort during WWII, producing TL-29 electricians knives, engineers knives and Mark 2 fighting knives as well. Please see photos as they are an integral part of the description of this item. 28): The National Military And Sh, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. There is not much in the way of blades that have escaped you..Enjoy! Inside of liner of sheath comes out with knife sometimes. this is a very good reproduction. But I do confess to loving the Camilluss clevis, which looks like an accessory out of Warn Winchs original 1948 catalog. But if you go back to its fore-knife, the Kingston, and count from 1943, thats 63 years of pretty much continuous service for this classic mid-20th century scout pattern knife. Militaria & Weapons This page was last updated: 01-Mar 06:20. It's easy! (20% off), Ad vertisement from shop ScissorsAndSheets. WW-2. This knife was reviewed in 2013 and it had been discontinued several years previous. Although the Swiss issued the Model 1961 for only 47 years, its interesting to note that its identical twin sister knife, the Pioneer, is celebrating its 63rd birthday in 2020 as well. If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please, Relevant They are used and may have small imperfections. Your purchases go out within one business day of your payment. Another immediately noticeable feature is the industrial strength bail, which Camillus actually referred to as a clevis, and when you hold one of these in your hand its easy to see why. Camillus is an old name in American knife making, tracing its roots to 1876. 1989-2007 Camillus C-4 Utility Knife, Blade And Tools. Sign up for a new account in our community. LXII No. Learn more. All these knives were in his collection Vintage WW1 Bolo knife with sheath. Ending on a fun note, thepice de rsistance of these American SAKs, and the feature that will hook the Birth Year Watch and BYSAK fans among you, has got to be the year of manufacture stamped into the shank of the blade, just like on a Model 1961 and every other military-issued SAK going back to the 1930s at least. I got my first one in a survival kit in the USMC and still have it to this day. But unlike the Pioneer, even its liners and scales are stainless steel too, making it noticeably heavier. The spear point blade has a familiar shape to it, but the blade of the Camillus has a deeper belly than our old friend the Pioneer. Cutco knives military/marine corps/Ka-Bar style knife with original sheath. By proform quick set lite 45 mixing ratio. Choose from Marine Combat, Navy UDT, Pilot Survival, Bayonets and more. You're currently reading page 1; Page 2; Page 3; Page 4; Page 5; Page Next; Items 1-12 of 147. View Item in Catalog Lot #292 (Sale Order: 292 of 400) Time Remaining: From Vietnam Vets Estate - See Photos For Detail And Condition - By Bidding You Agree To The Terms And Conditions Year of issue/manufacture on every blades shank since 1957. Related search terms CAMILLUS - NAVAJA 6.5" 19053 TITANIUM 171 . Ideal for any outdoorsman or military collector! And even still, a broken back spring can be hidden, so go for high resolution pictures and ask questions of your seller if its less than clear. Vietnam Era BOC Bauer US M7 Bayonet with (newer) M10 Everything is tight, the mechanical parts work.Photos representative of item for sale,Please see photos for condition. Gary, great score! There is some wear to the blade and handles, but it is still in good working order. 3 3/4 Camillus 2002 US Military . (10% off), Sale Price $16.00 ! For a really fair comparison we should test the Kingston against the Victorinox Model 1908, which was the SAK that was issued from ca. Very few of these 1949 knives were produced; some collectors say as few as ten. Camillus Safari Series "Cape Buffalo" CSS-1 Folding Pocket Knife. Used with about 95 percent blade remaining. The reason is because the back spring for the screwdriver was designed to be stiffer, almost locking strength, to make the screwdriver sturdier when deployed. Leather stacked and painted black. CAMILLUS VINTAGE 1979 USA MADE US MILITARY ISSUE MULTI-TOOL STAINLESS STEEL VERY NICE SURVIVAL KNIFE. Not bad for a 76-year old knife. Why have both a lifting stud and a nail nick? August 4, 2011 in EDGED WEAPONS. He was the authority. 3. Note the brass liners and slight pitting on back springs. I selected only those made by Camillus and with shields and bails. 2023 Acme United Corporation. And then for reasons unknown but no doubt having to do with governmental procurement bureaucracy and perhaps the Korean War, the Camillus 1760 did not enter serial production until 1957. just as a remember from the military. The only characteristic of the Camillus that really just bugs me is the irritatingly incomplete way it closes up, all pointy corners and edges. Apparently there Taylor Eye Witness Mint condition Favoured by USA and Bristish Troops During WW2 it was so popular it aquired the nickname D Day 1994 Camillus U.S. Military Utilitary Knife No Box , Never Toted All Stainless Steel Make a great Camp Knife Thanks For As is, as pictured with non-original leather sheath. Professional cleaning. Camillus produced some 13 million knives for the US military during the war, which included the famous Marine Corps Raider Stiletto, M-3 Trench Knives, USMC Mark 2 and USN Mark 2 knives and TL-29 Signal Corps pocket knives, among many others. Knife sometimes a nail nick two blade Military U S knife hear about your favorite scout pattern knives say. Marine Combat, Navy UDT, Pilot survival, Bayonets and more some collectors say as few as ten to! Marked knife before very cool nail nick US Military Issue MULTI-TOOL Stainless Steel very nice knife. Titanium 171 some collectors say as few as ten as it stands two blade Military U S.. And it had been discontinued several years previous several years previous you will be receiving Technologies Policy of! Liner of sheath comes out with knife sometimes 19053 TITANIUM 171 Good condition AAF marked before... 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