Cons. With this creativity at your fingertips, your stage talent can rely on quality timers, accurate text, and even notes. Here are the five options, using hours as an example: h: Always show the hours but hide leading zeros Add Prop Actions to slides by opening the Action Palette and dragging the Prop Action onto a slide. These items can be rearranged by holding the Command button on Mac or Control on Windows and dragging the icons around. In this example, someone had previously set up a Message for this contingency. Countdown to Time: Set a time of the day and ProPresenter will count the time left to that specific time (based on the computer's internal clock) You can export a Playlist by right-clicking on a Playlist and choosing Export, or select the Playlist and in the menubar select File > Export > Playlist. Select a Prop by holding the Command key and clicking on one or more Props. Click on the Type dropdown menu to change which kind of Timer youre using. No matter what view you're in, the Slider on the far bottom right controls the size of the Thumbnails in the Show View area. The Media Bin, situated at the bottom of the main ProPresenter window, is a great way to organize and trigger still images and videos. Video effects empower you to leverage your video library to create limitless new looks for your pre-produced content. The Timeline gives the option to create presentations with custom timings between slides or to record the slides to match a song with or without an audio track. There is no change in the Text Tab in the Props Editor. The area with the most real estate in ProPresenter is the View Mode. Upgrade from a previous ProPresenter product, * Pro4, Pro5 & Pro6 customers should use this option so anyBibles purchased will work with your Pro7 upgrade, * Pro4, Pro5, & Pro6 customers should use this option so any, Bibles purchased will work with your Pro7 upgrade. If you add 3 more to reach 5 seats, each of those will be at the discounted rate of $299 since you achieved the 5 Seat level, but no credit or refund will be given for the first two seats. Note: The Props Editor is very similar to the Slide Editor. Using external software and hardware, you can send MIDI signals to ProPresenter to control your interface and outputs. The Filter bar will allow you to search the currently selected Playlist. Campus license (20-seats) are available to Houses of Worship. To the right of the Preview window are a series of icons, each one representing a Layer. Additional seats purchased for licenses with 5 or more seats will be discounted by 25% to $299. Advanced multi-screen media server designed to play back and manipulate video across one or more screens, Multi-channel video playout server used to synchronize playback of two channels of broadcast-quality video, Comprehensive scoreboard software thats easy to use and affordable for any LED wall. Notes that are added here are shown at the top of the Presentation in a dark gray bar just below the Title. Across the top of the Preview window there are two icons will tell you if your Audience and/or Stage Screens are on or not. Click on any of the buttons to Clear that Layer. Destination Target -- The Destination Target button lets you set whether the Presentation you have selected will go to the Presentation or Announcements Layer. Table View is similar to Grid View and Easy View, but you also get a plain text view of the slide text in addition to the thumbnail. Automatically import media from specific computer folders with a smart playlist. This allows you to easily search and re-use songs week to week. Multi-Screen Output to multiple displays with different combinations of content all at once, including multiple stage displays, Alpha Keyer Output Broadcast-quality key and fill channels, Edge Blending Project onto wide screens with multiple projectors and blend their edges to create one seemless, extra wide image, Communications Control ProPresenters functions from MIDI, DMX, or broadcast video protocols (Midi is the only external communication method available on Windows currently). It will follow all of the same rules and can be cleared the same way as other Messages. Should you wish to try ProPresenter with an audience, you can request a 2-week trial code within the ProPresenter app. 27.7K subscribers This tutorial shows how to export your presentations and playlists from ProPresenter to share your content with others. That is, Folders cannot contain media themselves, instead they contain Playlists which contain media. This will open a file browser window. ProPresenter Scoreboard is the perfect solution for powering dynamic visual scoreboard content. Props layer for logos, bugs, lower thirds, and other overlays. In your library you can access all of your presentations, songs, scriptures etc & create playlists that contain a mix of these elements. For more information on creating and Arrangements and setting up Groups in your Presentation, go to the Groups/Arrangements section. ProPresenter will then start. In previous versions of ProPresenter, this was known as "Contiguous" view. Click the radial button for "All Users" for Media Repository, and then Support Files. Click on the Network tab and make sure that Enable Network is checked. The active slide is orange, and more obvious than in the Grid/Easy View. Common examples of Presentations are songs, speaker notes, or announcements. hh: Always show the hours and show leading zeros We didnt stop there. Attendees want to know how long before the event starts. Windows For Windows users, once you find the file, click on the Open button. When viewing this Playlist, choose the paperclip icon to view the Download Manager. The Screen Configuration Panel is where you can add an additional output screen that will designated for announcement presentations. This should get everything, but just in case, export the playlists and templates, so that you can reimport them as needed. It's used internally for product news, marketing, and updates only. Welcome to ProPresenter -- Working through the Quick Start Guide, Adding a Planning Center Plan to ProPresenter, AVG blocks media imports to ProPresenter 7 on Windows, Registering ProPresenter 7 / Moving a seat from one computer to another. ProPresenter+ prorated calculation method: The full price of a Pro7 Seat License is $399, which includes one year of ProPresenter+ (upgrades and support). Streamdeck Companion is a popular aaccessory for controlling professional equipment from a single device. Across the bottom of the Show View, there are three transition buttons which determines the Master Slide Transition; think of this as a "default transition" that all slides will use unless there is reason to use a different transition. ProPresenter 7 has changed the layout. To rename a Library, right-click on the Library and choose Rename. You can also use Cues to start, stop, and reset Timers as needed. We also include some sample media files from a few of our media partners so that you have a few pictures and video to help you get started. The notification works slightly differently between Mac and Windows. Use the Preview Window to monitor any of your screens (audience screens or stage displays), clear any layers, and control video playback. Explore over 10,000 songs with ProPresenter Templates. You can also hide items starting in ProPresenter7.7 as well if you right click on the item to choose "Hide Item". Note: This action adds the song/presentation from bottom to top. The ability to create high-quality video is becoming increasingly easy, making the use of videos in productions more prevalent than ever. SDI is a professional broadcast quality video interface you can read morehere. Add Message Actions to slides by opening the Action Palette and dragging the Message Action onto a slide or by dragging the Message you wish to use as an Action from Show Controls onto a slide. Now Windows has all the features that Mac does, including Capitalization offer. For example, if you purchases a license on February 1, 2022, you will be eligible for support and updates to ProPresenter through February 1, 2023. This functionality is supported for the following Devices: The main area of the Media Bin shows the contents of the currently selected Media Playlist. ProPresenter offers a multitude of ways to bring in and share content. Check out each of the sections below and a little information on what you'll find inside! Please read the following instructions closely to understand how our pricing is calculated. This brings up a window which will allow you to press the Delete key to remove Playlist Templates. From one installation of ProPresenter you can create a 3-screen edge blend, side screens with imag, have multiple stage display outputs, each with their own layout, and an announcements output feeding your lobby. The Preview area of ProPresenter, located on the top right of the main ProPresenter window, gives you quick access to not only see the output of ProPresenter, but also quickly turn on and off the Audience and Stage Screens, and clear Layers of content. Masking displays is particularly common in environmental projectioin, or there is some thing partially covering the projecotr to the screen, that you don't want to project on. "Car with License Plate X852WT, your lights are on." There are many times where users have a need to put a persistent image or some text on top of one or more slides. Countdown: Set a specific amount of time for it to count down from This allows all items in a Playlist to be loaded at one time into the Show View so you can scroll through the entire Playlist at once. All support and software updates (major or minor) to ProPresenter are included for a full year following the date of purchase. Think of a Media Playlist as a container for organizing and separating your media files. This allows you to run your main service as you would normally, but also have another presentation running to your lobby feeds, all from one computer. The Settings here are similar to Easy View, but affect the plain text view of your Slide's text on the right side of the view. ProPresenter maintains its own internal library/folder system of all of your presentations (songs), background videos, images, etc. You can identify which messages are currently being shown as they will be highlighted in Orange in the Message List; click on Hide to remove the message from the screen. Inside of Playlists you can add Placeholders as well as Headers. The Props feature of ProPresenter was created to address these needs and much more! Clicking the Network button at the bottom of the area will open the webpage where users can send Messages over the network. To return to one of the main views simply click on the associated view button and it will close out of that particular view. Hovering over Add New Playlist from Template will allow you to edit the Playlist Templates. See the Web Notifications section for more information. Text size scales bigger or smaller to fit the slide. It's an all-in-one solution for your visual needs, no matter how complex your facilities or presentations get. To set up and edit non-Token parts of a Message, click the Edit button in the upper right of the window; this will show additional controls for editing the Message itself; click this button again to hide these additional controls. Showing copyright is a requirement when displaying. You can also set a background color for the Table itself alongside setting up a separate background color for the Slide thumbnails. You can also use the keyboard shortcut of Command-L on Mac or Control-L on Windows to load this item. Upgrade from a previous ProPresenter product. Macros are single button clicks that can perform a number of actions, previously only limited to slides. Able to post messages on screen, like license plates numbers with lights on, or nursery calls. Some common hardware that uses SDI is video switchers, professional video cameras, and video output cards for makes like Blackmagic Design. The *Jump to button is customizable; right click on it and choose between: Starting in ProPresenter7.10, If you have audio or video content playing to the output you can choose to navigate to any Playback Markers that have been previously set, Add Marker at Playhead, and Edit Markers. The Show button will toggle to a Hide button when the message is active and clicking it will remove the Message from the screens. Stream directly from within ProPresenter using industry standard RTMP directly to YouTube and FaceBook at no extra cost. As Plain Text. Click the Show button to Show the currently selected Message to the screen. Actions that correspond to specific features, able to be added to a slide cue, macro, or other simillar soltion for triggering one feature at a time, or multiple together. Welcome to ProPresenter -- Working through the Quick Start Guide, Adding a Planning Center Plan to ProPresenter, AVG blocks media imports to ProPresenter 7 on Windows, Migrating ProPresenter Data from ProPresenter6 on a Different Computer, Syncing Between Computers with ProPresenter 7, Setting up an Alpha Key output from ProPresenter. In this video, we will be learning. This is great when SongSelect imports slides with 8-10 lines. Click the Media button on the top right of the main ProPresenter window. Designed for live sporting events, the Pro suite of apps includes real-time stats, live video, lower thirds, watermarks/bugs, and more. Click and drag the divider between the sections to resize the two sections. You can collapse the Playlist view by clicking the ^ button; this allows the operator to focus on the contents of just one Playlist. Instead the output being at the top left, and library/playlists below, they have been replaced by a new layout. This information is NEVER shared with any outside organization. This is helpful in running a live show and knowing what's coming next while not have to click away from the main cue area. This block of text can include prewritten text as well as one or more Tokens, or variable blocks of text. Welcome to ProPresenter 7! The fourth button is the Settings for that particular view. One of my favorite shortcuts in ProPresenter is using Alt+Enter to split a segment of text into two slides. This option exports the file for use in ProPresenter 5. You can also complete this process even after you have gone through the Welcome to ProPresenter prompts. Any Clocks/Timers that are created in the Timers area will appear as Tokens as well. During a live performance you will likely be spending most of your time in the Show view. Audio Bin 2,617 views Apr 28, 2020 Welcome to our training series for ProPresenter 7! If you are using an Arrangement, each instance of a group in the Arrangement will be separated. A Smart Playlist is a special type of Media Playlist that looks at a folder on your computer and automatically adds and removes media based on the folder on your computer. Timeline -- This allows you to open the Timeline for the Presentation. For ProPresenter there is a steep learning curve. Below you see two stage display outputs on the back wall with different content and layout. Overrun: Check this box if you want the timer to continue to count after it hits its destination, uncheck it if you want it to stop at its final goal Any devicethat supports NDI input (i.e. We did too. Macros can fire multiple triggers at the same time. ProPresenter offers some incredible tools to make this easy and effective. The Stage control options in Show Controls allow you to both send Messages to your Stage screens and set layouts for each of the screens. You can use this option on one or more files at the same time. You can, with a quick look, see many of the properties of a given piece of media. Ability to schedule media or presentations to play at set times. The Stage Display in ProPresenter is in a class of its own. Are you ready to start taking a look around and getting familiar with the program? For each of these options you have up to five choices; however depending on what you have selected in one section might disable options in another section. "Parents of child 485 please come to the nursery.". In short, yes. Click and drag the divider across the top of the Media Bin to make it larger or smaller. The next option allows you to Import an item from the computer by bringing up a File Explorer or Finder window. Click on the + in the bottom left corner and select MIDI from the list. You no longer have to quit and restart ProPresenter when connecting displays as it dynamically detects this while running. available that you can install during the initial setup. Create new Playlists and Playlist Folders by clicking the + button across the top of the Playlist view. Click and drag media to manually organize the media, or right click on a piece of media, hover over Clean Up By, and choose one of the options to sort the media by that category. Create a 3-screen edge blend, side screens with imag, multiple stage display outputs, each with their own layout, and an announcements output feeding your lobby. The Message is now set up and ready to go. Click the Modify Transition button to change the transition that Messages will use when they Show and are removed from the screen. When using this feature, you are able to view all available Plan items that have been uploaded into PlanningCenter. There are four different options for how to add presentations into the Playlist. All new to ProPresenter 7 is the Announcements Layer. 2 Drag and drop into ProPresenter Import your templates into ProPresenter 6 or 7. Leverage our solutions for legacy live broadcasting or in combination with live streaming over your preferred video streaming platform. Note: The default media transition can be overruled by a transition being added to a specific media action. Show Triggered Presentation will load the currently showing Presentation from the Presentation Layer into the Show View. One of these screens will give you the option to import your libraries from ProPresenter 6. They open the Messages feature of ProPresenter, type the nursery number ("485") into the Token area, and click Show. This option must be checked in order to receive the two-week trial offer. The color of the text can even change on-the-fly when certain parameters are set and occur during the presentation. That Enable Network is checked over your preferred video streaming platform Windows to load this item Cues to start stop! A live performance you will likely be spending most of your time in the text can include prewritten text well. Dropdown menu to change the transition that Messages will use when they Show and are removed from the list internal. Notes that are added here are shown at the same time shortcuts in ProPresenter the! 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