stranger things hopper daughter theory

I think that Hopper's daughter is not Eleven, but actually Ten, or Nine, or even One. Harbour explained that he had been waiting years to deliver Hoppers emotional monologue about his cursed past, with the details revealing why he needs Joyce and Eleven in his life, but also why hes so hesitant to return to them. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Contents 1 History 2 Appearances 3 Family tree 4 Gallery 5 Trivia 6 References History The two had a daughter named Sara who was born healthy in 1971, with Hopper being a devoted and loving father to his child. Technically, she is his daughter now! The two were juxtaposed against each other in the finale, but not necessarily in a way that indicated that they were the same person. For one thing, we saw Hopper's daughter in a flashback, and she was not played by Millie Bobbi Brown. When we first meet Jim Hopper, he's a depressed, barely functioning alcoholic who can't move on from the loss of his daughter. It seems as though one particular Stranger Things theory won't disappear, and it relates to Hopper's daughter. Others believe Sara somehow came in contact with something dangerous coming out from the lab, which granted her certain abilities (like the chemical leak that killed Barb, only this time for real). Related: Stranger Things Theory: Murray Led The Russians To Hawkins Lab. One of the principal Stranger Things fan theories is that Eleven is Hopper's daughter Sarah. Season 3 showed there are also human threats in Hawkins, as the Russians built a lab underneath the new Starcourt Mall. Hopper finally dared to talk, the cigarette was already consumed between his fingers and his dropped jaw closed before talking "I didn't know you were such a good detective" He says "And I don't feel proud of my decision but I did what I needed to find Will" He pauses and gives Steve an intense stare, which was ignored by Steve who . This is something that Season 2 could explore, especially considering how Hopper's story ended. The disappearance of a young boy sparks a chain of events leading the residents of the small town of Hawkins to uncover a government conspiracy and a supernatural mystery which will not only shatter all semblance of normality, but also threaten their very existence. Yes, they made a point of showing us that his daughter's heart stopped during the CPR scene, but they stop the flashback scene right there. Hopper certainly seems to find meaning in rescuing Will when he was unable to save his daughter, but again Harbour's comments make us wonder if there isn't a stronger connection between the three children. I dont think its possible for Sarah to be one of the kids tbh. Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From the Upside Down, Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down, Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town. The promised stage play based on Netflix's Stranger Things will be opening in London's Phoenix Theatre later this year. These scenes show Sara playing in the park with her parents when shes suddenly terrified by something only she could see and begins to hyperventilate. By Crystal. Dwyane Wade's daughter Zaya Wade granted legal-name change, gender change in court. By Ryan Villarreal Feb 24, 2023. also! Either way, Dr. Brenner learned about it, and convinced Hopper and Diane that Sara had cancer and that they could treat her at Hawkins Lab. Picture: Netflix. Elevenwho now goes by Janehas closed the gate to the Upside Down and reunited with the gang in the season finale. Fandoms Anime Pop Culture K-Wave Lists Quizzes She graduated from the University of Oregon with a B.A. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Although the series never mentions what really happened to Sara and what could have caused her illness, its implied that she died of cancer, but its not confirmed. The letter F. An envelope. The first three seasons only gave very small glimpses into Jim Hoppers life before Stranger Things season 1 timeline, with the biggest reveal of his daughters death explaining muchof his skepticism early on. When viewers first meet Jim, hes a fairly cynical figure who has spent the past few years grieving the death of his daughter. (Though we still don't know who Jane's father is, so it's possible!) Look closely at the handrail. Eleven And Hopper. Stranger Things' Finn Wolfhard Touches On Mike's Fate, Has Big Ideas For David Harbour's Post-Hopper Future,Finn Wolfhard opened up about Mike's Stranger Things fate and David Harbour's possible post-Hopper life. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. In season 2, when Hopper finds Dr. Owens injured and bleeding on the labs stairwell, the handrail is the exact same from the flashback scene. In particular, fans want to know exactly what happened to Hopper at the end of Stranger Things 3. But after news of his paranormal pal gets out, the internet goes wild and everyone wants a piece of him including a nefarious government agency. It's a scene that hints Hopper and Eleven will meet again, and that he may even step into the role of her father.". We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Costume designer Amy Parris, revealed she was instructed to no longer use "browns, plaids, and tans, and instead focus on bold, bright colours. Some fans believe her mother, Diane, took part in the MKUltra experiment, which gave Sara certain powers, very much like Terry Ives and Eleven. @EpicScrapper3 I like this theory ! This has also been linked to Hoppers daughter Sarah, and her tragic death which was seen back in season one. With the new season set to drop, fans are making predictions faster than you pop an Eggo. The series showed she got very sick and died, but viewers have pointed out some details from those flashbacks that could mean Hawkins Lab is responsible for her death. However, their happy family wouldnt last long, as Sarawas suddenly diagnosed with cancer, dying of the illness at only seven years old. In episode 1 in the first scene after the opening credits we are introduced to Hopper where the camera scans over his house until it arrives at him sleeping on his couch. What do you all think?. It turns out that the orderly is the mysterious Number One, a man named Henry Creel who came under Brenner's care after killing his parents. Since season 1, Stranger Things has focused its attention on the . This may be part of why he became such a devoted father to his daughtersSara and Eleven, as Hopper's own father hadnt been attentive or kind to him when he was growing up. The health effects of mixing Agent Orange led to the deaths and illnesses of many of his friendsandtheir children, someof whom were stillborn, as Hopper emotionally explains in Stranger Things season 4. Directing Choral Music Mary Hopper Leading Children's Choirs Leading Youth Choirs 22. . The Demogorgon, the first. She was in a hospital surrounded by doctors and nurses and she passed away. in the last episode of season 2, at the lab, Hopper and El find a badly injured Dr. Owens in the stairs. Reddit user xgovernmentx posted the theory, and began explaining how all the details match up when looked at carefully. Paris revealed the shift also meant to show Eleven getting more comfortable with her powers. Perhaps it was some sort of inter-dimensional rift that he recognized as somehow being related to his daughter. I used to believe it v early season 1 but Hopper literally saw her die/flatline. One huge area for speculation is the egg that Hopper found while in the upside down. You can also find her work on Business Insider's Streaming Reviews. Sara had an interest and deep understanding of space and science, something Hopper notes he never understood. As Hopper was explaining grief to Joyce, he tells her that after Sara's death, he saw and heard her, and he didn't know what was real. Stranger Things season 4: Why Dr. Brenner could never be The American, Game of Thrones: Daenerys Targaryen star spills on backstage hell', The Walking Dead season 10: Star confirmed for role in AMC spin-off, Vikings season 6 spoilers: Fans slam Ivar for sick bond with Oleg, Stranger Things season 4: Leaked audition tape teases huge shakeup. Here is where Diane meets Hopper and they fall in love. Jim Hopper's Backstory: Everything Stranger Things Has Revealed, Stranger Things: Everything We Know About Eleven's Origins, How Hopper Survived Stranger Things Season 3's Ending, Stranger Things Wasted Hoppers Death Fakeout, Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 1 Ending Explained (In Detail). Once a happily married detective living in New York, Hopper lost his daughter Sara to cancer at a young age. However, Elevens bold prints didnt just represent her being comfortable in herself, nor the time shift. Spoilers ahead for Stranger Things season 4. The team of Stranger Things has hinted that there is more to be told regarding Hopper and Sara. The last two could be connected to Sara, as dad could refer not to Hoppers dad but to stuff given to him by Sara, making way for more flashbacks and a proper explanation of those events; and New York could be about the time Hopper spent there following her death, which could lead to a look at what truly happened to her. While they continue the MK ULTRA experiments, she conceived and became pregnant with Jim's Daughter Sarah. .css-o05pt{display:block;font-family:Didot,Didot-fallback,Georgia,Times,serif;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:0rem;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-shadow:0 0 0 #000,0 0 0.01em transparent;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-o05pt:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;margin-top:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-o05pt{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-top:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-o05pt{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}35 Classic Photos from the Academy Awards, 46 of the Coolest Set Photos in Movie History, 'Last of Us' Star Pedro Pascal Posts Upsetting IG, Everything to Know About the 95th Academy Awards, Storm Reid Knows How to Create Heartbreaking TV, Believe It: 'Ted Lasso' Returns This March, Ashley Park Joins 'Only Murders in the Building', Carrie & Aidan Go on a Beach Date in New Set Pics, Sam Smith Is Joining 'And Just Like That' S2, Elizabeth Banks on Cocaine Bear's Brilliant Chaos. (It's not clear how Dr. Owens got such papers, but it probably wasn't legal.) The newsreel at the end of Stranger Things season 3 revealed that Hopper was a decorated U.S. soldier in the Vietnam War, with theunpopular conflict being notable for drafting an abundance of young men in the1960s and early 1970s. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Like many of the other characters in Stranger Things, Jim Hopper was raised in the fictional Hawkins, Indiana. However, Stranger Things' then-18-year-old Jim Hopper and his fellow soldiers who made it back home alive would soon discover the lasting side effects of exposure to Agent Orange, a substance they had been making with only kitchen gloves as protective gear. Saras death being influenced by his exposure to Agent Orange is revealed as one of the biggest reasons why Hopper thinks hes cursed., Related:Stranger Things Wasted Hoppers Death Fakeout. The theory. "Stranger Things 2" arrives on Netflix October 27, so fingers crossed that we'll finally get answers about Sarah and Hopper's mysterious past. He is the chief of police in Hawkins, Indiana, who, throughout the first three seasons, investigates the strange occurrences in the town. Related:Stranger Things: Everything We Know About Eleven's Origins. Adrienne is very into films and she enjoys a bit of everything: from superhero films to heartbreaking dramas, to low-budget horror films. You will notice that as soon as the scene begins the camera is pointed at an illustration of a family which is presumably drawn by a child. And now, in an interview with TV Guide, David Harbour, who plays Hopper, seems to have revealed some details that fuel the rumors that his daughter isn't actually dead. Ill edit the text to make that more clear now, thanks! This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. As an item of comfort, Sara had a stuffed tiger in the hospital during her treatment, which closely resembles the stuffed lion that Eleven had in her room. Stranger Things season 4: Is Joyce Byers set to uncover hidden powers? Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terry Ives, who participated in MK Ultra studies, and now is being taken care of by her sister Becky Ives. As any Stranger Things fan will know, the series revolves hugely around the popular roleplaying game, with everything from Demigorgons to Vecna being taken directly from the game. Let me add a couple of more thoughts: (a) The woman in charge of the comic books said that she was allowed to use any number she wanted, giving any power she wanted, EXCEPT for 008, 011 and 001. We already know about Eight and Eleven -- but the number One was reserved also. Stranger Things actor Jamie Campbell Bower is ready to bring Scarecrow to life in the DC Universe's upcoming Batman and Robin film The Brave and the Bold.. Stranger Things introduced viewers to a dark, alternate universe referred to by the kids as the Upside Down, and to the dangerous experiments that took place at Hawkins Lab. She was the only daughter of Jim and Diane Hopper. Viewers began to notice distinct similarities in the handrails in the scenes where Hopper finds a wounded. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Now, either the treatment/experiments went wrong, causing Saras death, or shes still alive and Brenner made them believe the contrary. When Stranger Things season 1s 1983 timeline begins, Hopper is an alcoholic who also habitually uses drugs. Was his daughter, Sarah, who died as a child, an experiment like Eleven?. What started as a date outfit quickly turned into an undercover cop outfit. Not since Lost, really, have I wanted to uncover science fiction mysteries like the ones Stranger Things. Stranger Things fans were quick to draw parallels between Eleven (played by Millie Bobby Brown) and Hoppers (David Harbour) daughter Sara (Elle Graham). Still, I think that something similar to Agent Orange causing One to get his powers could still be possible, I don't know if it was definitive. ", Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion, All the '80s References in 'Stranger Things 2', 'Stranger Things 2' Spoilers, Theories and More, Your 'Stranger Things' Halloween Costume Guide. Let me explain and give some reasons why. Before Sara was diagnosed with cancer, she was shown hyperventilating. The series gradually reveals that his addiction began after Saras death and grew when his wife, Diane, subsequently divorced him. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Both of Hoppers daughters being somewhat involved with the experiments at Hawkins Lab adds more tragedy to his arc, but will also give him a reason to keep fighting to learn the truth and bring down those responsible for all the damage done to his daughters. So, it's fairly safe to say that El is Terry Ives' daughter, not Hopper's. While Randy does not get a second chance at fatherhood in life during We Have A Ghost, he does get to fulfill this role in . Throughout Stranger Things, Hopper has also showed his scary, protective dad side and rightfully so, given how Mike was raging with teenage hormones in the third season and . David Harbours character was then given a significant monologue in Stranger Things season 4, episode 5, The Nina Project, which filled in the majority of the gaps in Hoppers backstory. (Owens is later seen bleeding in that same stairwell in season 2). We have a camera shot of Hopper sobbing on the stairs. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. However, I would like to present a twist on the "Eleven is Hopper's daughter" theory. Not to mention the entire Terry Ives story where her sister tells Joyce and Hopper about Terry's daughter and her "powers" while we watch El demonstrate said "powers.". Nancy Wheeler, a friend of Barbara Holland, and Jonathan Byers visited Murray's home with the goal of exposing Hawkins Lab's role in the events of the previous year, including Barbara's disappearance. Why did David Harbour say Sarah's cause of death was a secret? Sara died with no hair, and El showed up with no hair like you said. Stranger Things series three is now available to stream on Netflix. But some fans believe Hopper's memories have been altered by Hawkins Lab, making him think his daughter died when in reality she was stolen for experimental purposes. Hopper may have realized his daughter had special power, and by the end of the season, figured out that Eleven might be his daughter, so he is putting food out there for her in the hope that she survived. Since the end of Volume 1, fans everywhere have been coming up with all sorts of theories. Or perhaps Hopper's family got caught up in a different government project? His wife Diane was one of the initial subjects used by Dr.Brenner in his testings and experiments. It centers hints in Season 1 that. In only three seasons, Stranger Things has left more mysteries than the ones it has solved, among those what truly happened to Jim Hopper's daughter, Sara. Jim Hopper (. If you see anyone breaking the rules, please report the post or comment. Stranger Things season 4: Eleven's powers reinstated as Mike brings back huge character? In season 1, it's revealed that Hopper used to be married to a woman named Diane, and they had a daughter together. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Stay up to date with what you want to know. There may be A LOT more going on with Hopper's daughter on "Stranger Things" than we realized. Hopper is portrayed by David Harbour. (b) In the last (or next to last?) The opening shots in the Stranger Things season 4 teaser trailer showed what happened in the 1950s when the Creel family moved into their new Hawkins home. Stranger Things has given audiences a much better look into the background of the beloved Hawkins police chief, Jim Hopper. Browse our network 9 . She Just Became Eleven. Unlike many others who were drafted, the Russia-kidnapped Hopper claims he was happy to go and prove himself to his father, but his opinion would soon change when realizing what he was actually being sent to do. This Stranger Things season 2 fan theory suggests that a much more terrifying other dimension invaded the Upside Down, . When Hopper was shown sobbing on the stairwell, the yellow railing resembles that of the ones in Hawkins Labs. While Sarah grew up, she just like El began having telekinetic episodes which caused her to see an upside down world just like El (which may be explained by the state of shock she has on her face when she was in the park) which means she has special abilities too.. It is the SAME stairs. Press J to jump to the feed. If it is Dr. Brenner, viewers may see Eleven tracking him down to get revenge for the experiments he held on her. On the first season, we learn that Hopper used to be a "big city cop," but he's cagey about revealing details regarding his past. Preaching and Preachers 9781444746044 . in Psychology and a minor in Media Studies. Terry carried Jane to term while continuing on with the project, but after giving birth to her daughter, she was later informed that she had miscarried in the third trimester. Sub for the Netflix Original series: Stranger Things. Most of the evidence provided takes place in Season 1. But it is looking overwhelmingly like the first part of the theory is true. Her bylines include Harper's BAZAAR, Nicki Swift, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, ELLE, The Independent, Bustle, Healthline, and HelloGiggles. When Hopper is crying in the stairwell in the hospital its Hawkins National Lab!! The camera stays zoomed to this picture for at least a few seconds. Soon after, Joyce and Elevenbrought Hopper back to life in Hawkins, where hes now a hero to many of the characters of Stranger Things. Sara was likely born in the early 1970s, which would be around the time Eleven was born. During a game of Dungeons & Dragons, he claims that there isn't any shame in running away. Stranger Things season 4: Fans compared Eleven's first scene to Sara's final one in the hospital. Reddit user kony_stark recently began speculating: I believe that the American that the Russians mentioned in the mid credit scene is actually Dr. Brenner, AKA Papa from season one. Press J to jump to the feed. Ah shoot, yeah that mind be the nail in the coffin for this theory then. She is an Audiovisual Communication graduate who wanted to be a filmmaker, but life had other plans (and it turned out great). After Jim Hopper (played by David Harbour) was apparently killed off in the shows finale, viewers have been delving deeper into his backstory to find out more about the enigmatic police chief. One of the principal Stranger Things fan theories is that Eleven is Hopper's daughter Sarah. Their children died, and Hopper blames himself for his daughter Sara's death. Hopper is a man who lost his family when his daughter died. Oh yeah sorry, I didnt mean to imply that they were in the same war, just that the through-line of coming into contact with dangerous chemicals while in war could be possible foreshadowing. I'm a huge stranger things fan. Stranger. Why Eleven Doesn't Have Her Powers In Stranger Things Season 4, Stranger Things Season 4 Cast & Character Guide, Stranger Things' Vecna Identity, Powers & Origin Fully Explained, Stranger Things Set Up Hopper's Russia Twist With A Season 1 Throwback, What The Grandfather Clock Means In Stranger Things Season 4. Express. as well as other partner offers and accept our, "Do you know what specifically Jim's daughter died of in the show?" It makes sense that this theory would spring up. Stranger Things ' cantankerous, but noble, Sheriff Jim Hopper is a man haunted by his past. Stranger Things season 4: Truth behind Russian gate revealed in clue? First, think of how we last see Sara. Im SO with you that Sarah isnt just a backstory detail. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . . Sara had an interest and deep understanding of space and science, something Hopper . Did Sara actually die at the lab, and not the hospital? Especially after Hopper lost his family with the death of his daughter Sarah, it would be poignant if he got another chance and lived a long, happy life alongside Joyce. I feel like there's meant to be some sort of symbolism between Eleven and Sara. "Do you know what specifically Jim's daughter died of in the show?" After keeping her in hiding and acting as an unofficial guardian all season, Hopper obtained adoption papers via Dr. Owens, the former head of the Hopkins National Laboratory. Redditor, NOW WATCH: The ending of 'Stranger Things' season 3 explained, the biggest questions we had after watchingthe first season of Netflix's "Stranger Things", hardycoreman asked during an AMA with David Harbour. Thank you. In Stranger Things season 4, Hopper explains that he received a letter from the government drafting him into the Vietnam War at only 18 years old. Stranger Things season 4: Could Sara have been just like Eleven? Throughout volume one of season four, Eddie mentions running away. While The American will certainly be a focal point for the show in the coming episodes, it is not yet clear who he or she is. Certain parts of Hoppers background had already beenrevealed in the Stranger Things official canonical book Darkness on the Edge of Town, though many of these secret details had yet to be translated into the Netflix series. Want more Stranger Things season 4 articles? Young Jim Hopper's car won't start, Bob Newby's sister Given that the identity of 001 has not yet been revealed, it may be important to the series. She was diagnosed with. That means that Eleven's real name would be Jane, not Sarah. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. The series showed she got very sick and died, but viewers have pointed out some details from those flashbacks that could mean Hawkins Lab is responsible for her death. (c) did Sara die of cancer? Otherwise, could the person instead be Hopper? The theory then goes that Dr. Brenner (Matthew Modine) convinces Hopper and his wife Sarah has cancer, and that, eventually, she has died from the illness. Fans were quick to respond with their own theories, with one user sharing the heartwarming theory that Eleven symbolises Hopper gaining back what he lost in the past. Shes somewhere. Kali herself seems a little old to be Hopper's daughter, but she's labelled as "eight," so there are at least nine other children out there we haven't met. When Hopper is sent a letter from the U.S. government drafting him into the war, David Harbours character suggests that this is his opportunity to finally prove to his father that hes a much better person than his dad thinks he is. Not long after that do we see her die. And that, perhaps, he'll find out some things about her that he didn't know before. Also, in season 2, Eleven ends up being like a daughter to Hopper. It certainly. Hopper explains that as a kid fresh out of high school, he was sent to Vietnam to mix Agent Orange with fellow soldiers, which they were told was a relatively harmless herbicide. Enter Eleven, a girl with no family who might . Stranger Things season 4: Will Robin Buckley return? Victor served in France. Adrienne Tyler is a features writer for Screen Rant. Stranger Things season 4: The Blonde wig makes Eleven look similar to Sara before she got sick. Whereas previous seasons had shown styles from the late '70s were still being worn, season three reflected the bold step into the mid eighties. He's the one who massacred the kids and attendants at. Stranger Things devastated fans in the season three finale after Jim Hopper sacrificed himself - though whether he actually met his maker remains to be seen. Not to mention the entire Terry Ives story where her sister tells Joyce and Hopper about Terry's daughter and her "powers" while we watch El demonstrate said "powers." So, it's fairly safe to say that El is Terry Ives' daughter, not Hopper's. Sara was not at Hawkins Lab. James "Jim" Hopper is a fictional character from the Netflix science fiction horror drama series Stranger Things. Wanted to uncover science fiction horror drama series Stranger Things has focused its on! With the gang in the stairwell, the yellow railing resembles that of the provided. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations girl no... Gender change in court last ( or next to last? fiction drama. Their Children died, and Hopper blames himself for his daughter the early 1970s, would! 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