cross country training program

Whether you are on the track, field, turf, or court, CYUP has a program designed to optimize your athletic performance. You dont need to race on the week I indicated; you dont even need to race at all. Instead, the goal is to learn to employ a steady effort rather than to set an even pace. From Tuesday through Thursday, the microcycle includes 48 hours (three workouts) without principal training elements as we have done two strong workouts on Monday and Tuesday. Ended with 4 barefoot strides. Subscribe to our mailing list for advice from Hal, training tips, and updates on our programs and apps. If running on an unmeasured course, you may need to simply run intuitively, about the time it would take you to cover a kilometer in a race. Racing: High school runners race so frequently during the spring, often several track meets a week and several races in those meets, so that I hate to encourage them to race much during the summer. In the middle (mastery) portion of our season, focus in training is one race distance above and below our goal race. You may have done interval training, or some variation on it, during the track season whether or not you recognized it by that name. Before I started building workouts into the offseason, all we would do is run easy mileage. I dedicated nearly all of my energy to the specific task of improving my speed over every race distance. Increasing mileage will almost always lead to faster race times. Once the 400m@1mi pace workouts have been phased out I will add them to the open weeks. To prepare for this, Kara June, third at the 2008 national club cross-country championships, will do intervals of 200 to 400 meters on a flat grass field. So in between the hard workouts, run easy. We also only do them every other week instead of every week. This gives the athletes an easy-to-understand purpose of each workout as well as preparing them for the race conditions they are going to face at the end of the season. After Tuesday, the next intensive work is Thursday with short leg speed work, done precisely between the two racing efforts during the microcycle. Ill also just do our regular intervals, 400s, 800s, or mile repeats over cross-country courses and terrain, grass, dirt, or even sand.. Questions? It is more of an organizational aid to help make sure I am including everything the athlete needs from a training perspective. WebTraining Plan - General overview of the season by phases Phase 1 - General development of strength, mobility, endurance and basic technique Phase 2 - Development of specific fitness and advanced technical skills Phase 3 - Competition experience - the achievement of qualification times for the main competition For that reason, you are free to run several road races during the summer, maybe once every fourth week. Home-Posts-Announcements-Cross Country Training. Eccentric strengthening exercises of the Achilles tendon are also helpful, particularly for masters athletes who may have several years of mostly running in heeled shoes on level terrain behind them. Go to your coach and discuss training ideas. As you can see, the race did not go well. These speed bursts could be anywhere from 100 to 400 meters, or longer. As with most things running, specificity when it comes to race prep is always important for predictor workouts like these. Long runs are necessary to improve your aerobic fitness and endurance. Wondering why trails are so beneficial? Regardless of your current status or racing goals, this might be the training program for you. More important was the effort everyone put into this speed workout. They also engage the biceps. Since it takes roughly two weeks for the body to adapt to a stimulus, it does not make sense to do any strenuous workouts. The runners are reminded of these goals on a daily basis when they walk into the teams locker room. Rest/Easy Days: (Scheduled for Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.) About half trails, half road. Mostly trails. Be cautious. All of these possibilities affect how seriously a coach approaches a weekly lower-level meet. After sampling the programs and workouts provided in this clinic setting, it is expected that the individual coach will take thephilosophyof the training and adapt it to his or her own personal situations. The athletes in the top positions are at a significant advantage as they have a clear path around or over these obstacles. They build them up over a period of several years to the point where they can accept this workout load. Make it tough, as hard as you can make it, then run a weekly workout on it hard., .css-ahw06m{background-color:#59E7ED;color:#000;display:inline-block;font-family:LeagueSpartan,LeagueSpartan-fallback,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:0.75rem;font-weight:normal;line-height:1;margin-top:0.3125rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-color:#59E7ED;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-transform:uppercase;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;-webkit-transition:background 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:background 0.3s ease-in-out;width:auto;}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-ahw06m{padding:0.8125rem 1.25rem 0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-ahw06m{padding:0.8125rem 1.25rem 0.75rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-ahw06m{padding:0.8125rem 1.25rem 0.75rem;}}.css-ahw06m:focus-visible{outline-color:body-cta-btn-link-focus;}.css-ahw06m:hover{color:#fff;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:#000000;}Join Runners World+ for more training tips! (For descriptions of those workouts, check below.) They could be up a hill or down a hill or on the flat. If your pace lags and you have to walk in the last few miles, you obviously ran the early miles too fast. Do 3 to 6 repeats, depending on your weekly mileage. Note:morning runs were usually scheduled before a workout. Run correctly and in control, interval training can be invigorating. Theyre there just for the pure love of being better.. Top coaches explain the key elements of proper race prep and strategies for success. WebWelcome to MCRRC! Like most of my training programs for road race distances from the 5K through the marathon, this Summer Cross Country Training Program follows the hard/easy approach pioneered by legendary University of Oregon coach, Bill Bowerman. And if you feel fast, youll run fast! Run at 90 percent effort up a hill with a moderate slope (5-7 percent is ideal, but work with what you have) for 30 seconds. WebResearch the program and learn how to get recruited for college women's cross country at University of California, Irvine. Both races are included as speed-oriented. WORLDS BEST 5K WORKOUT After this buildup of workouts, youre ready to attack the ultimate 5K workout. I remind them what happens in the middle or beginning does not necessarily reflect what happens at the end. No, but you dont want to be last either. When the freshman athletes arrive on campus, Phillips meets with each runner individually to learn their end goalwhat they want to accomplish by the time they graduate from FSU. This is where the proverbial art of coaching comes into play. A post shared by Jason Fitzgerald (@jasonfitz1) on Aug 21, 2014 at 6:43pm PDT. Youll need to reimagine what you think is possible. Run the uphill portion at race effort to build strength. Cross country MTB training plan: How to get XC race fit Duration: Four weeks Key Activity: Long steady rides for aerobic development. Buckle up! Since taking over the program, Phillips has guided the Seminoles back to national prominence. I choose these variations mainly so that you speed train differently from week to week. Workout 3: This is a tempo run over rolling hills or on grass, dirt, or wood chip trailsanything but a flat, even asphalt surface. The coachcanbend the hard-easy training rules occasionally in a serious microcycleas long as the workouts do not repeat the same principal element in an intense manner. Give us a call at 917-426-9745 to talk to a The approach should be intuitive. On the speed side of the funnel, we see 2-mile equivalent paces slowly replacing 1-mile pace work. How to get outside your comfort zone and do things you previously thought were impossible, Build strength in the small, intrinsic foot muscles (, Build resilience in the lower leg for racing in flats and spikes, The winding, gravel paths in the colleges Arboretum (sshhh we werent supposed to run in there! On the speed side of the funnel, I tend to do something a little different. It also will be open at Woodward Park at Mt. Interval training is best run on a track, although it can be run on soft surfaces or on the roads, as long as you maintain consistency. Whereas, for most runners, track and road races are largely dictated by pace, cross-country racing is largely dictated by effort. When you see week after week how much youve committed to your team, it kind of fires you up, Phillips said. I also dont care how fast or slow you run, as long as you run for the prescribed length of time at a pace that allows you to finish as fast as you start. You can learn what that effort should beand teach your body to maintain itwith cross-country training tailored to the demands of racing. Just because I created this annual training plan using a simple and straightforward method does not mean you have to follow it as if it is the rule. The Four Types of High School Cross Country Runners Coaching high school can be challenging. This is a more precise form of speed training than tempo runs above, or fartlek below. Seanss book, Distance Training Simplified is currently being sold on Amazon. It is designed with workouts, exercises, and intensity ranges that are based on percentages of what you can do instead of pre-determined times someone else can do. Shell do 6 to 12 repeats at a pace thats 5 to 10 seconds per 400 meters faster than her cross country race effort. Unique training needs of the team or individual. By submitting your email address, you are consenting to receive communications from Planning a 14-workout week requires a deliberate attempt by the coach to preventanywasted effort from creeping into a program. Ive fallen twice in masters national cross-country championship races, Magill says. Magill agrees, saying that when your effort level is disrupted, calmly, and patiently climb back up on the horse. Fartlek training can incorporate all of these essential elements into a single workout. Fartlek teaches you how to surge in the middle of the race to get away from opponentsor hang with them when they attempt to surge on you. Use these ideas to tailor your training to match the needs of various types of high school cross country runners. Lafayette (Wildwood) High School awarded him the head boys cross-country coaching position in 2011 and the boys distance position in 2014. WebThe cross country phase of training lets you step (or fly) outside the comfort zone of your home airport and experience landings and take-offs at other airports. WebCross country training can be rather complicated and confusing for a coach just getting started in the profession. Here are descriptions of the various training options in my Cross Country Training Program: Tempo Runs: (Scheduled for Mondays.) She told the team, Be all-in or just be done, she said. Let us start with the aerobic side of the funnel. Even if you have the full 300 meters, the imminent narrowing dictates a key rule of cross-country: You must be able to get out quickly and efficiently from the gun without undue stress. Nevertheless, that training helped me improve dramatically over my four years at Conn College. Instead, just run morethan what youre currently doing. And quite frankly you cant run hard seven days a week without risking injury or overtraining. If that happens, you picked too ambitious a time goal for the workout. A tempo run in this program is a workout of 30 to 45 minutes, usually run on trails or in the woods so you have no reference to exactly how far or how fast you are running. Even as a relatively competitive college athlete, I was onlyeverrunning about 15% of my total mileage as quality miles. Maintain a tempo effortstrong and steady, but controlledthroughout. Always have, always will. According to the tables on McMillan Running, a runner who can run the 3,200 in 10:40 (80 seconds per lap) should be capable of running the 1,600 in about 5:00 (75 seconds a lap). My senior year I was Captain of the cross country team and ran fast enough for it to help me get into college. I ran about 80 miles this week and a lot of quality. I would point out that even though we have started doing workouts in every phase of training that does not mean we will do a workout every week throughout the year. While I understand the logic that developing speed for an endurance race is training for a small percentage of the overall race, I cannot help but think about a question a fellow coach said to me once. California, United States. Workouts are age and experience appropriate and provide both short and long-distance workouts to This Cross Country Training Program is designed for high school runners to use during the summer, but also for coaches looking for a well-organized schedule that AM: 36-minute easy run. Furthermore, if coaching requires a particularly difficult workout for the purposes of race simulation or unique training needs, two of the principal elementsmaybe combined as long as the athlete is given proper rest before and after the intensity of the multi-element workout. Its also worth noting that in July and August, I did about 2-4 hours of cross-training every week. Warm up with 1 to 3 miles of easy jogging. If you want to run extra miles and train more than once a day, I suggest you do so gradually. Unfortunately, I dont have any other mile splits. Join our free course to help you better prevent injuries, develop runner-specific strength, and avoid the big mistakes that get runners hurt, TERMS OF SERVICE PRIVACY POLICY SITE DESIGN BY CHARFISH DESIGN, Cross Country Training 101: A Training Log Excerpt, Injury Prevention Essentials for Bigger Runners with Coach James Dunne, Dathan Ritzenhein on Strength Training and Marathon Fueling, A post shared by Jason Fitzgerald (@jasonfitz1), The value of hard work (over a long period of time an often overlooked aspect of hard work), The types of training you do for the 800m vs. the 5k vs. 8k cross country. Skipping them was taboo and frowned upon by not just our coach, but the team as well. Cross Country Workouts Tempo Runs During a tempo run, you run at a speed 15 to 30 seconds slower than your race pace and at roughly eight out of 10 on the exertion This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Training with a Team: If you are part of a team, whose coach already has a planned training program in place, he or she may or may not be enamored to learn that youve decided to train using some program you picked up on the Internet. We are all fortunate if we do not have extreme requirements in local and regional competitions as they most certainly curtail the types of training that will benefit the athlete in the long run. WebCross Country Marathon (XCM) races are usually a minimum length of 25 miles and often 60+ miles in the US. Whether pursuing general fitness, training for your first race, or trying to hit your next personal best, connects millions of runners to Hals books, training programs, and apps each year. Sean O'Connor (or OC to his friends and if you bought this book count yourself among them), is a high school cross-country and track coach in St. Louis, Missouri. Thursday's grass intervals should be done with some quick overspeed phase. Amgen Inc. is an American multinational biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Thousand Oaks, California. These cookies do not store any personal information. Contact Reggie McAfee at to find out about the benefits of becoming a sponsor for our program. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. WebXC - Summer High School Training - 16:00-17:00 5K Plan Length: 12 Weeks This plan is the best of what Connor Winter did at the the University of Colorado, while winning 2 National Titles, and as a professional training for cross country. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Even on the rare occasions that theyre available, mile splits are mostly meaningless in cross-country. Pick as your end goal for the tenth week the pace you ran 1,600 meters. WebCross Training Run 3 or 4 times a week, and on non-running days do some cross training. This microcycle allows three workouts to push endurance, three to use a speed component, and two to three using resistance. Notice I said about to give you some leeway. Its not about you, its about how you can make people around you better, and when you do that, you become better, Phillips said. Youll make your first Our Mission Upcoming Races Save the date! Once at the top, take a three- to five-minute recovery jog before heading back downhill, focusing on being fast and efficient. The San Luis Obispo chapter of the Asics Aggies Running Club uses several workouts to adapt to the ups and downs of cross-country. To me, its about how you can develop people, especially the people that arent supposed to be good on paper, Phillips said. WebCross Country Equipment Batons Marking Equipment Race and Hip Numbers Communication Race Clocks Misc. I barely finished 3 miles and then couldnt walk for a week. In between, they walked 3 minutes to recover. Unlike a track, where the shape of the 400 is an oval with gradual turns, her grass 400 is literally square, with 100-meter segments on all four sides and a sharp 90-degree turn at each corner. Fostering a strong team culture is critical to Florida States development as a womens cross-country powerhouse. Worlds BEST 5K workout our program @ to find out about the benefits of a. Itwith cross-country training tailored to the demands of racing these cookies on your weekly mileage coaching High School can challenging. Extra miles and then couldnt walk for a week without risking injury or overtraining into this workout! A lot of quality the open weeks improving my speed over every race distance above and below our goal.... Day, I suggest you do so gradually ran fast enough for it to help me get into college times. Year I was onlyeverrunning about 15 % of my total mileage as quality miles twice masters. 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