Really? I dont think so. : So, to answer your question, Gtsix, about, .how does the Church feel about psychiatry and receiving psychiatric treatment?, my answers to that is :, But somehow I feel that you HAD already seen that part of my reply the first time I posted it, . What if Tayler was your daughter? Dont get me wrong, the medical field produces a lot of miracles and Im not down on them in general. With that being said, lets further investigate the truth and details of Tyler Tweed Obituary. She was a friend as well. And if the HE goes, then THEY would start acting sane. What Mike Rinder and Leah Remini fail to clarify in their Anti-Scientology narrative, is that LIKE MOST PEOPLE INVOLVED IN VEGETARIANISM AND NATURAL HEALTH Scientologists prefer to use natural remedies and alternative medicine (which is practiced by a PROFESSIONAL LICENSED REAL DOCTOR as they like to call them, haha) before engaging in taking medicines and using conventional methods. Way to absolutely avoid the question. By the end of October, she said she was DONE with Scientology. Following the death information, people wonder what was Tyler Tweed cause of death. I guess that we will have to continue this interesting discussion at another forum, or through email lines, , Well, TC, a compelling posting, indeed. He was a member of Mt. This whole video reeks like a ad misericordiam, the logical fallacy that because someone should be pitied, theyre innocent. It does appear the mother attempt to coordinate care for her daughter at some level. No religion has the freedom to deny medical care that then results in death. Lila will be intered beside her husband Dan, at St. Carthagh's Cemetery, Tweed, on Saturday, November 20 at 1 PM CASSIBO: Agnes Theresa, at Belmont Long Term Care, Belleville, on October 15, 2021. Ah, and here is the information about Dr. Breggin. Her family tried to handle and began to disconnect, leaving Tayler very much adrift. I understand. Are they, really? I also have know Freezoners who took psychiatric meds. Friendly hint- dont say the sorts of things that you might criticize or object to others saying. I know that you think you are making the world a better place by coming on to a blog and expressing your disgust and hatred for a mother who lost her daughter to suicide, but youre really not. They will KICK YOU OUT!! Clearly people go through much worse situations and never commit suicide. What about Scientology kids. Friends of mine have been on it and know Leah. As to the tax exemption thing, my own personal opinion on this is that even though that Scientology might very well fall into the category of a religion, its principal activities are not religious in nature, but psychotherapeutic as an institution that SELLS therapeutic services and make a profit from it. Either way, your assertions arent factual. If Tayler Tweed was diagnosed with Bipolar, then of course she would be good on programs and bad off them. Lol. A&E's teaser for the upcoming episode shows a picture of my beautiful daughter." Yeah, Dave Luck, thats a very sad truth indeed! The first time Tony reported on Tayler Tweed was from a phone conversation with her mother the day after her daughters funeral. He often would refer to the body as a second class citizen, or imply it was a trap; that you need to grab it by the scruff of the neck and take charge. And totally based on the Tech as well. This way, more trust can be built among Scientology practitioners and society which is what Scientologists must focus on, IMHO. Sure. Most debris that were blocking the streets have already been taken care of, and the biggest damage is from 50-75% of the island without electrical power, and cell phones and internet signals either inactive or very poor. Did you read those letters and watched those videos as well so as to have a more balanced viewpoint on the scenario? In my pre Miscavige time I looked at scn as a form of psychology and self improvement. I have to say that I have little respect for your experience with suicide survivors if it results in a comment like this. Feel free to add me to your undesired list. Send flowers. On Saturday, a memorial was held for her at Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre as family and friends gathered to remember the attractive young woman who had been working on a career in music and acting (as Tayler DeBari). I couldve said the same stuff about Tayler and I never met her. From what i can see with my local org, the staff are hanging on to a purpose in the absence of KRC , Cant be done. And if the narrative of the program was not, Scientology need to be stopped and destroyed which IS the one theyve been using even if not in those words but instead a plea for reformation for the greater good, we might have gotten somewhere in terms of reformation. This simply makes critics into hysterical ninnies who should continue to be ignored by anyone with legal power and who is serious about reforming scientology. We love you, Tayler. VERY compassionate) and me, took them as part of our self-proclaimed Chaplain hat, haha. So much for the anti-Scientology narrative regarding Scientologists not using or seeking proper medical care. Ive seen and been told of quite a few parents who seemed to love their kids but wouldnt speak with them. It is the narrative of blame, destroy, and stereotyping others, and the attempt to make believe that some specific instances represent the attitudes of ALL Scientologists, that makes it wrong. Of course, that he opened his piece sort of validating their efforts, in a SENTENCE. But theres a reason. Tayler deserved so much better! Its similar to families who bring their kids up seeming to dote on them, but murder them in an honor killing lately. Bristol, VA -Leo Tignor Tweed, age 81, passed on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, in Oakmont at Gordon Park. Yes, this mother lost a child, but her son says they tried everything and yet they didnt. And Al, Im really glad youre sticking up for Cathy Tweed. Cmon open your bloggers eyes. So, to answer your question, Gtsix, about .how does the Church feel about psychiatry and receiving psychiatric treatment?, my answers to that is : The SAME way that THOUSANDS of individuals who have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Scientology think : uncomfortable and against it, and with VALID REASONS. And btw, I DO study the works of many, many great psychiatrists whom I greatly admire. Ill believe that until my death. When most anti-Scientologists refer to The church is doing this or that, and so on, or The church is Fair Gaming this or that one, they fail to recognize that they are ACTUALLY referring to ONE single individual whose orders are being robotically followed. The Ryerson Index. NOBODY deserves to be starved and beaten and to lose their families. Tyler Tweed obituary and the death were widely searched online by the people hearing the death information. On Friday, January 10, Tayler Tweed killed herself with a gunshot to the head. This kind of cruelty is strewn throughout the anti-Scientology community right now, including fans of Scientology and the Aftermath, because that kind of cruel second-guessing was built right into the episode you watched. No real mother would ever be truly at peace with a child blowing their head off. Yeah, we all know the answer to that question I think. She states that she did take her daughter to doctors, but what kind of doctors? Did you miss this from my reply? With that being said, let's further investigate the truth and . I highly doubt that Cathy Tweed would allow that. Sorry; I got carried away. However, most Scn watchers do not have the time, resources, or capacity to explore all facets of a Scn-related event. The youngest son of Ethel Mummert and Harve Mummert, Tweed lived all of his life in the Macomb area. Find Funeral Notices, Death Notices, Obituaries and Funeral Director services in Australia | page 1 Is my post to be interpreted as that I think that ALL psychotropic drugs are harmful for the patient, and that at no moment any of them should be used to help someone? Tayler, feeling herself worse off after her last auditing cycle and a recent break-up, refused more auditing. Tyler Tweed Death - Tyler Tweed, a graduate of Wisconsin's Marshall High School, passed away, and his family and friends have resorted to social media to express their sorrow at his passing. `Anyone who knowingly follows a man like Hubbard deserves exactly what they get. Hence, we both probably have our bias. Its the fact that they threw her out that gets me. For Christs sakes, what is Thursday Funnies and Regraded Being about If not about mocking the church? Lets analyze this for a minute, shall we? Everett R. Tweed, III "Gene" MEGGETT, S.C. - Everett R. "Gene" Tweed, III, 77, of Meggett, husband of Betty B. Tweed, died Saturday, June 27, 2009 at Roper Hospital . Kaiser Earl Lynch. Certainly, any raw public exhibiting Type III behaviour would be refused service.. Its like that organ cant get sick. I my humble opinion, reform IS possible, and even using specific LRHs policies themselves. So how ironic it is that I refused to go to a doctor when the ch-rch insisted that I go. John Mckenna Obituary, What was John Mckenna Cause of Death? I can sympathize with trying to use ones frame of reference to help their kid. to death notices and obituaries in Australian newspapers: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ryerson is a free service, but we do use google advertising on this search page to help defray our operating costs. But, IMHO, the biggest part of the general upset has been created by misapplication and by a fundamentalistic, fanatical approach to policy and Tech. Hundreds or thousands (or even millions) individuals thinking in one direction, against a few of us who got tired of being one-sided and used as sheeple to support a narrative made up of injustice, generalizations, and desires for punishment and revenge. They just want them off their lines, so they can concentrate on the able.. In other words where something is merely thought to be a slight sprain, to be on the safe side an X-ray should be obtained, particularly if it does not at once respond. Thats not what we were trained for. And those things start at home. He was born Jan. 29, 1933, in rural Sand Creek to Ole and Nellie (Fjelstad) Tweed. As a struggling artist with mental illness, Tayler had relied on her parents for financial support, which she could no longer rely on. Perhaps, we are starting from a different definition of Correct Public Relations. After the incredible inflow of Crazy hatred being generated by the show and coming in as comments on my blog the overwhelming majority of which I have trashed I am actually concerned for Cathy Tweeds safety. But shes a Scientologist, so what do we care about that, right? Or you just like the anti-Scientology narrative? Honestly Statpush, does that sound like an agenda for reformation to you? Actually Lauren Haggis is the daughter of Paul Haggis and I have no problem with her wanting to do a segment for her friend. Some ppl have questioned the fact that Taylers friend was the one speaking out and I can see why. Rights to practice your religious beliefs are legally protected in the US even though they might go against some peoples moral codes, or even the moral ( codes of of the larger culture around them. Leah and Mike heroes??? And how does the Church feel about psychiatry and receiving psychiatric treatment? Now, it should be clear enough what LRH thought about taking care of an Ill body by BOTH using the proper medical treatment and Assists which could be thought as the religious aspect of it AS EXPECTED from any religion. Hear Cathy Tweeds version of events. It sounds a lot like the viewpoint of church Scientologists, dont you think? They know who they are,, and will leave it at that. They were robotically and literally interpreting these EPs and confusing them with the Purpose Section of each Objective process. He should know of quite a few of these stories after all. But my first impulse and action, is to try to reform and rehabilitate the individual. Basically, its not a universal given that family has to be placed first in the search for spiritual freedom unless thats your belief. Currently, Tayler Woolston's death is widely spreading, and people are concerned to know about Tayler Woolston Obituary and want to get a real update. Do you really know that to say this and to second-guess a mother who lost her daughter suicide? Most Scnists I know (knew), would initially seek natural treatments (e.g. You do know that the nazis invaded countries and built concentration camps, right? This was about her daughter and how she ( Kathy ) and Scientology failed Taylor!. ), but its simply not true. Maybe you are just a willing participant to their manipulation. Both of them are living in centrsl Florida. This isnt to be interpreted as meaning that there are no LRHs policies that by themselves, unadulterated in any way, are destructive enough so as to make it a necessity to just get rid of them; we have just too many of those. Dont you know that I like to feel certain about things? So lets look at this. These same quote were used on Leahs show to make Cathy Tweed appear insane, as well: I say this with affection. Shes not trying to look like the good guy, shes giving her side of the story. His posts at his blog dont mention ANYTHING about reformation, nor he uses a narrative leading to ask the church officials to please stop using the destructive policies, to come to senses regarding attacking the dissenters and critics, etc. But not all mothers have award winning, network sponsored TV shows magnifying their mistakes. Survey their public for disagreements wish the existing policies, and correct/modify them accordingly. I added them to the post. Marjorie was the Owner/Operator of Asheville Pool & Patio for over 20 years, dedicating 50 years of service to the company. There is a lot of information that neither Tony Ortega, nor Rachel Bernstein, nor Leah Remini, nor Mike Rinder have given you. Here is what Dr. Breggin has to say about that : No more complex than that really. The object of Twain's wrath was William A. Clark, a Pennsylvania native who eventually moved to Montana and made fortunes in banking, mining, newspapers, railroads and other ventures. But their manipulation does not extend to this blog. Theyre presenting one side, and especially in this case, doing it in a very exploitative and manipulative way. She went from a Where is Leah these days to a Leah Remini is an awesome badass. We were trained to be able to raise above our own cases, and to keep our Acts One in (Straightwiring out the reasons why we didnt want to help a certain PC). Unfortunately we have little . Ok Alanzo, thanks! And I also explained how they used half-truths, ungrounded assumptions, and PLAIN lies to support their Anti-Scientology narrative. Nice try, Gtsix, but I know better than to fall into the traps of rhetoric,. We assure you that we will regularly update all the information regarding Tyler Tweeds death when the details are made aware. Those 5 premises inductively lead to conclude that Mike Rinder is NOT after reformation, but after punishment and revenge because his family DECIDED ON THEIR OWN to disconnect from him, but he blames DM for it. This minister is a cult leader who ask for unquestionable obedience. Shar, did you even took the time to read my looong post at this thread?? This is not about leaving the so called church, it is about the stupidity of joining and believing. There's quite the discussion over at Tony's about whether or not Tayler's death can be blamed on Scientology. Finally, the website that is mentioned on the end of the video goes to an obvious anti-Aftermath smear website aimed at discrediting Leah Remini. Plus it is now becoming more evident that there was a lot more to the story regarding Tayler and her mother which was left out of the episode. Does he read minds now? What the fuck do you call what you are doing? View all 146,994 burial records for Mountain View Cemetery, Surnames T, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, for British Columbia Genealogy Research, compiled by Vancouver Genealogy Volunteers Are we that naive so as to negate that her Fight against the abuses HAS been very helpful for her career? This is pathetic and sad. We considered as Illegal PCs among other things, of course those who had actually ATTEMPTED, not just thought of suicide. But a court room and a TV show are two different arenas. In this light, it appears The Aftermath has but one goal: To rain upon the church so much bad PR that the public is repulsed. I do feel, from being a member for 30 years, that my compassion and humanity was eroded. At my org, this acted as a huge invalidation for quite a few individuals who protested about the looong running of processes disregarding any cognitions except the very specific and arbitrary ones decided by DM out of his own misinterpretation of the Tech. Instead of being referred to a mental health provider, the church attempted to sell another expensive auditing package to her family. As opposed to Laurens Haggis narrative, mine is not hearsay. After a well fought battle with brain cancer, Sarah and Augustus made their journey to heaven on June 11, 2015. They are quite outspoken about the barbaric psyches and the treatment of the mentally ill, yet, they will have nothing to do with the mentally ill. A lot of criticisms, but no solutions.. Taylor Eugene Bass went home to be with the Lord on February 23, 2023 at the age of 40. Technically, what Mike and Leah are doing IS a documentary. It was a crazy scenario indeed! If I remember right it was a tough decision that went to the Supreme Court and that was with regard to children. And they are all good friends, as far as I know. This test (questionnaire, which was mostly done unmetered) was usually done by me, as I was kind of famous for spotting troublemakers even without the e-meter, and on the spot. Then, sooner or later, they might actually listen. Of course, that I dont mean that, neither. {This aspect of Hubbard and Scn always irked me. Janice Ann Taylor, 79, of Bowmansville, passed away on Saturday, February 25, 2023, in her home surrounded by her loving family. Mental health should be under the heading of psychotherapy not under the heading of religion. But ask MILLIONS of Americans who are into alternative medicine and natural remedies if they will ever consider using any psychotropic drug, and I am sure that the most probable answer from the GREAT majority of them would be, NO, I would not. Its not right to leave out information just so you can demonize someone. Mrs. Davis was born October 10, 1943 in Madison County to the late Fred and Lillian Gosnell Tweed. Either you are dumb enough to do it or your not. Will they reform? My local AO wouldnt deliver this, instead either hat a family member, or turn it over to a field auditor.. If they were, their approach in the show would be different, and they would be more careful with the facts and about not making generalizations out of a few instances and stereotyping the Scientologists in general. At one point in time, this lady dared to question one of her husbands beliefs, which enraged the man resulting in a heavy beating and even rape of this lady. Yes, I pity this family, but they are not innocent. The No.1 site across the UK for funeral notices, where you can search over 5,004,817 notices. Regular medical care is allowed though Hubbard did and members do tend to look down on traditional medical care. To plant Memorial Trees in memory of Mrs. Pamela Devone Taylor Edwards, please click here to visit our Sympathy Store . Larry Hale. Obituaries can vary in the amount of information they contain, but many of them are genealogical goldmines, including information such as: names, dates, place of birth and death, marriage information, and family relationships. Douglas farmed from the age of 14 until retirement in 1999 on the Tweed Century Farm in rural Sand Creek. And unfortunately, human misery and tragedy have entertainment value. Thats why I was a squirrel who seldom followed LRH to the letter. Visit our Support Center He doesnt take responsibility for the fact that it was HIM the one who got them into Scn in the first place, but now he just think of them as brainwashed, mind controlled, imprisoned, and having no free will to decide on their own. But what we have from BOTH sides is the dramatization of a huge Service Facsimile (You are wrong; I am totally right), that totally blind both parties from sensible communication. In my mind, at least the point about freedom of religion did relate to Cathy Tweed. Getting rid of David Miscavige as Chairman of the Board and having to answer to the US government or lose their tax exemption is. Would you want those teachings to be licensed? I sincerely hope that you are not into law, because God help us if you are!!! I dont agree with Leah on everything but I like and support her on the whole-Mike, too. Perhaps we ex(es) have forgotten our Auditors Hat to the world, and became insensitive. Search Funeral Notices, Deaths, Obituaries & Memoriams. That pisses me off the most! Yeah, THANK YOU, Laura. But okay. It is unnatural. I noticed the same thing about how the staff was being turned into uncaring individuals by the implementation programs enforced by DM. After an intensive program delivered by a field group last summer, Tayler was once again suicidal. You do know that Tony Ortega got that quote from Cathy Tweed about being at peace with it during a phone call he made to her on the day of Taylers funeral, right?. So they should pay taxes as any other professionals from the psychotherapy community do. And if by prove them wrong, you meant specific legal actions (like a lawsuit) against Leah, Mike, or A&E for saying things that werent true; then the same logic could be used the other way around : If the church is guilty of soooooooo many illegal actions and specifics abuses, then why (except for Snow White and the non productive of ANY evidence, FBI human trafficking investigation into Scn) hasnt ANY law enforcement agency taken the church to court? Why? Please, give me a fucking break!!!! And we all know that the opinion of the majority is the correct one, isnt it? I was actually picturing Paul Haggis when I typed Alex Gibney. Clearly establish that the disability does not stem from immediately physical causes;, 3. There is no denying that the church is guilty of many abuses even, even if some of those abuses are not exactly illegal. Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath, Leah Remini's Scientology and the Aftermath, Scientology Applies to Renew Arrest Warrant for Gerry Armstrong, Interview With L Ron Hubbard's Personal Nurse, The Truth Rundown TampaBay Times Articles, Vanity Fair Article on Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise & Scientology, Scientology and The Death of Kyle Brennan, Chronology of Publications on Scientology. He was a member of the Northumberland County Good News Club. You dont know me. Are you following me all right so far, dear Henri Chef? I wanted to go quietly, but they would have none of it.. I dont know of such a policy regarding that specific case of TRs & Objectives, but I DO know about other policies (or HCOBs Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins) that requires having a physical examination and full medical checkup before being allowed to receive auditing. There was no need to insult you. Whether or not this is specific to sea org indoc, i dont know,, my experience has been with class 5 orgs as staff and public, tho the presence of advanced org staff has been more noticeable during the last period i was back on service 2005 -2010. Through my career and lived experience I have worked intimately with survivors of suicide. Marvin Ernest Seibold. Seems that most of her information came from FB and text messages that Tayler had with a friend. What drives ratings? Gross Tweed, Telford. Anyway, my comment above had to do with the notion that the church does not treat the mentally ill. This seems to me like an ASC false datum that fits their agenda and theyve convinced others that its true so now its an everybody know, like so many of their assertions. I cant fault you on your logic., Clearly Leah and Mike have some type of agenda, and as you point out, it is not reformation., Thinking about this a bit more, the only set policy regarding suicide that Im aware of, is the routing-in metered interviews to the HGC (and possibly on sec checks), designed to filter-out undesirables. But first of all, what is meant by mentally ill? This is about ending the abuses as Mike and Leah are trying to get us to believe. . I mean, how hypocritical can one get? No part of Breaking up families is illegal. I am sure there are two sides to every story, and while I am not sure how supportive the Tweeds actually were, I am fully sure that A&E provided a very balanced side of the tragedy, given the most outraged friend didnt have the solid history of seeing Tayler in person. October 11, 1970 - February 26, 2023. That, btw, is the key principle I believe Marty is standing up for. I cant fault you on your logic. But from my point of view, it is up to US and not to them, to take the first step towards proper dialogue and peace talks. Ratings. That they were independent minds working independently of each other. #ScientologyTheAftermath" Im pretty sure you would not like that if it was done to you. Mere assumptions, suppositions, and half-truths are presented as facts. I think you just hate Scientologists and you want to vent your spleen on one here on the Internet and so a mother who lost her daughter to suicide will do just fine for you. None of which appeared in scientology and the aftermath or in Tony Ortega s earlier reporting. If the disability is pronounced to be curable within the skill of the physical practitioner and is in actual fact a disease or illness which surrenders to contemporary physical treatment, to require the person to be so treated before Scientology processing may be undertaken;. Publicly accept when any wrongdoing has occurred. Ex Ireland rugby player David Tweed dies aged 61 | Daily Mail Online Davy Tweed, 61, played international rugby five times for Ireland in the 1990s The unionist politician was convicted of. Naturopaths? She states very clearly that she took her to the University of Oregon where she was examined by 10 different doctors. We last spoke a couple days before her suicide, and she was excited about starting classes at the Art Institute in Audio Production, but still very much depressed and in a volatile state of mind. Other groups were not the topic. This makes me absolutely sad You are saying that you were taking your daughter to doctors when Scientologist dont believe in doctors she should have went to a therapist and got help when she needed it !! And her brother can shut his mouth. So, they have this idea, that if they publically expose the churchs harmful practice, and rub their nose in it, that the church will reform and cease such actions. Please dont tell me that you have seen one half of a segment of one episode of Leah Reminis show, which repeated an article written by Tony Ortega while adding NOTHING new to it, and you think you have enough knowledge here to say Taylor was never shown any kindness. No lives were lost as far as I know, and besides lots of fallen trees and electricity poles (and power lines), not heavy damage was done to personal properties. In my opinion, the best way to handle this is not by trying to demonstrate who is stronger or more badass, which is the current narrative of BOTH, the church and the anti-Scientology movement. This is all about protecting David Miscavige and the Church. The guy is NUTS, I thought. I am truly sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. A well fought battle with brain cancer, Sarah and Augustus made their journey to heaven on 11... Exhibiting Type III behaviour would be refused service.. its like that if it results in a exploitative... 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